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Electricity production technology
Jul 4, 2022
Neutrinovoltaic based on graphene - new opportunities for energy generation
Energy and energy supply issues occupy priority positions in the economic policy of any state. High prices for electricity, heat supply...
Jun 27, 2022
"Iron Curtain" and innovations in energy generation
The split of the world into hostile blocs, separated by the Iron Curtain, is unfortunately an objective reality of today, which has led...
Jun 19, 2022
Neutrino Power Cubes - environmentally neutral energy generation for every home
The escalation of the international situation has clearly marked the EU's trends towards phasing out energy from Russia on the one hand,...
Jun 14, 2022
Graphene energy generator - a revolutionary reality of power generation
The confrontation between the leading world powers has reached such a crisis state that today it covers literally all areas where...

Наука и техника,
Jun 10, 2022
International recognition of revolutionary Neutrinovoltaic power generation technology
The successful implementation of any discovery depends on its recognition in the scientific world and, as a result, on the degree of...
May 31, 2022
Nanomaterials - the basis of emission-free energy of the future
The aggravation of the geopolitical conflict between Russia and Western countries gives a powerful impetus to the accelerated development...
May 26, 2022
Bauman MSTU and NEUTRINO Energy Group - a scientific alliance despite the crisis
Today it is difficult to find an area of political and economic life that is not affected by the consequences of the global...
May 22, 2022
The interaction of neutrinos with graphene allows you to generate electricity
For a long time, scientists found it difficult to scientifically substantiate the mechanism of interaction of neutrinos with matter. On...
May 20, 2022
New Energy Technology Wins in Energy Transition and Global Crisis
Digitalization, automation of production processes, robotization, a massive transition to electromobility, IT - all these industries will...
May 10, 2022
The world is looking for new technologies of power generation against the backdrop of the global cri
The transition to alternative energy sources is a strategic task not only because of global warming: although large areas of the Earth...
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