Bauman MSTU and NEUTRINO Energy Group - a scientific alliance despite the crisis
Today it is difficult to find an area of political and economic life that is not affected by the consequences of the global international crisis, but the processes penetrate much deeper, extending to international contacts in the field of research development: communication in the field of research projects between Russia and the EU countries is also influenced by the political environment. The imposed sanctions and counter-sanctions are a serious obstacle to the development of joint scientific projects and contacts between scientists at the international level. Years of established connections, important research projects are frozen until "better" times.
However, not all Western scientific and technological companies are satisfied with this state of affairs, especially when it comes to strategically significant international projects that affect the interests of mankind in a global aspect, given that the lost time will inevitably affect the timing of the implementation of joint scientific developments, which are critically demanded by world markets, as, for example, in the field of energy supply. The world needs new energy technologies to address major social, geopolitical and climate issues.

Left: Grigoryants A.G., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Head.Department "Laser technologies in mechanical engineering" MSTU.N.E.Bauman
Right: Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of the Neutrino Energy Group
A special role in this direction is played by cooperation between the international research alliance Neutrino Energy Group and Russian partners in the field of alternative energy. According to Mr. Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of the Neutrino Energy Group, Russia is an important strategic partner for the implementation of the unique Neutrinovoltaic power generation technology, the basic principle of which is based on converting the energy of invisible spectrum radiation flows, both natural and artificial, into direct current.
We are talking not just about the introduction of technology, but about the creation of a 100% localized production in Russia for the production of Neutrino Power Cubes power sources for the power supply of households, independent of connection to the centralized power supply system.
The invention of a multilayer nanomaterial with alternating layers of graphene and silicon with the addition of alloying elements that converts the energy of radiation fields, including neutrinos and thermal radiation, opens up the widest prospects for creating multifunctional current sources, such as Neutrino Power Cubes for household power supply or power supplies for various gadgets and electrical appliances.
Currently, Neutrino Energy Group, together with the Indian company C-MET, is working on the creation of Pi - an electric vehicle, the body of which will itself convert the energy of surrounding radiation fields into electric current.
The invention of Neutrinovoltaic technology is extremely important for the energy independence of mankind in the face of depletion of fossil fuels, although many critics are not able to mentally perceive this development: it is difficult for them to understand and accept the theoretical justification for the possibility of obtaining electricity from the surrounding fields of invisible radiation.

Sometimes one gets the impression that the situation is somewhat comparable to Nikola Tesla, a brilliant Serbian inventor who was born too early, ahead of time and the level of human development. Contemporaries were simply unable to appreciate his brilliant talent, and his theories and ideas did not receive the support of society. However, Holger Thorsten Schubart is confident today that, despite all the opposition, the Neutrino Energy Group has sufficient scientific, technological and financial resources for the large-scale implementation of Neutrinovoltaic technology.
Industrial production of Neutrino Power Cube power sources will start in the first phase in Switzerland in late 2022/early 2023. “Neutrinovoltaic technology is extremely significant for humanity,” says Holger Thorsten Schubart, “its industrial implementation is simply unstoppable, because we are contributing to a positive solution to many problems of today and future decades. We have an overarching scientific and socio-political mission that transcends politics, sanctions and self-interest, for a better future for humanity.”
Currently, the circle of people who really understand the principle of operation of Neutrinovoltaic technology is extremely limited, therefore Neutrino Energy Group welcomes the development of contacts with Russian institutes and universities that are ready to participate in the scientific support of the project, for example, by including students of a special course in the curriculum, which dedicated to the theoretical foundations of Neutrinovoltaic technology. For the first time such a training course was introduced at the department "Laser technologies in mechanical engineering" of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, headed by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation A.G. Grigoryants The study of Neutrinovoltaic technology by students is included in the regular educational process, an expert Council has been created, represented by the best scientists of the University. The study of this technology, going beyond the research process, demonstrates its particular importance for the national interests of Russia. Professor Grigoryants A.G. I am sure that “despite criticism, any breakthrough ideas require time and large-scale reflection due to the great scientific and economic potential. The development of full-cycle production facilities in Russia for the production of Neutrino Power Cubes with the participation of the Russian-German joint venture Progressus Neutrino and the large-scale implementation of the technology will require the involvement of specially trained qualified engineering personnel. In addition, any technology requires additional scientific research that meets the requirements of the time and the modernization of technological processes. Therefore, our department and MSTU. N.E. Bauman are interested in close cooperation with technology developers.”
"The Moscow Center for Laser Technologies at Bauman Moscow State Technical University carries out many years of research on the creation and use of nanoscale thin-film elements, which contributes to the development of fruitful creative ties."
“Cooperation with MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, one of the oldest educational and scientific universities in Russia, which has high authority and recognition in international scientific circles, is due to the qualifications of scientists and their determination to jointly develop research into the technological foundations of technology and promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge about this global project, ”summarizes Holger Thorsten Schubart.