BRIGS experts see fuel-free technologies as an integral part of the energy sector
Long-term experience with solar and wind power plants has shown that there is a growing need for new, more reliable and sustainable solutions in the green energy sector. Existing technologies often cannot provide a stable flow of electricity due to their dependence on weather conditions and the need for large areas for the installation itself, which leads, among other things, to low payback for green energy projects.
Coal and gas power plants usually operate when electricity prices are high enough to cover the fixed fuel costs. In contrast, wind power plants operate independently of the price of electricity, using the power of the wind. In some cases, electricity can be free or even have a negative price. Due to the low marginality of such projects, there is a decrease in business interest in investing in green energy projects. The latest example was the government auction for offshore wind energy in Denmark, which did not attract a single bid.
This trend provides an opportunity for the mass introduction of new fuel-free power generation technologies that do not depend on weather conditions. Such technologies not only allow us to abandon the ruthless exploitation of natural resources by the current generation, but also avoid the dramatic consequences of environmental disasters associated with the extraction and transportation of fossil fuels.
The most far-sighted companies, understanding all this and relying on investments in fuel-free energy and transport, which see the inevitability of a global reduction in humanity's need for fossil fuels, are trying to explain as clearly as possible not only to the population, but also to the world's political and business elite the advantages of fuel-free power generation compared to the use of fossil fuels.
The issue of entering the global monopolized energy market is very complex; only breakthrough innovative fuel-free power generation technologies will be able to pass various examinations during implementation. Therefore, competent preliminary expert discussions are one of the key strategic steps along this path.
As an example, we can cite the scientific and technological company Neutrino Energy Group. Despite the fact that the company's headquarters are located in Berlin, the company does not want to limit itself exclusively to expansion in Western countries. In its activities, the company focuses only on universal human values and considers the entire world as a field for the implementation and application of its development.
For this purpose, company representatives are members of expert councils on energy in many international associations. Thus, the director of the company's representative office in Russia, Ms. Nina Davydovna Karelina, joined the Expert Council of the BRIGS countries on energy as an expert on fuel-free technologies.

The inclusion of Ms. Karelina N.D. in the Expert Council of the BRIGS countries on energy is an undoubted confirmation of the achievements and global possibilities of the fuel-free graphene Neutrinovoltaic technology of electricity generation under the influence of particles of ambient radiation fields of natural and artificial origin, developed by Neutrino Energy Group under the leadership of mathematician Holger Thorsten Schubart. The vast energy market of the BRIGS countries is on the path of transformation and undoubtedly unites a wide range of mutual interests for cooperation between Neutrino Energy Group and partners of the BRIGS countries. Thus, for several years now, together with three Indian companies, a project has been successfully developing to create an electric car that does not need charging from external power lines, since the basis of the driving force will be graphene fuel-free generation. The body of such an electric car is created from a metamaterial into which Neutrinovoltaic electricity-generating plates and a system of graphene threads are integrated. This ambitious international project is an example of international scientific cooperation, uniting scientists from different countries to solve universal problems. According to the plan, the first example of such an electric car should be presented in 2026.
Holger Thorsten Schubart, evaluating the results of 2024 at the BRIGS briefing, said that the range of applications of the fuel-free graphene Neutrinovoltaic technology is very wide. The first practical use is Neutrino Power Cubes with a net capacity of 5-6 kW, having overall dimensions of 80x50x100 cm, intended for power supply of houses. This project has been brought to the pre-industrial stage and after additional certification resource tests and obtaining a safety certificate, their serial industrial production will begin in several countries.

Independence from weather conditions, placement directly at the place of energy consumption, operation in the basic mode day and night, silent operation and minimal operating costs with a 20-year warranty - such technical characteristics are an undoubted advantage in the fight for the consumer.
Independence from weather conditions, complete autonomy and placement directly at the place of energy consumption, operation in the basic mode day and night, silent operation and minimal operating costs with a 20-year warranty - such technical indicators can undoubtedly be characterized as unique today in the field of energy supply, and the widespread introduction of Neutrinovoltaic technology can be considered as the first, but convincing step in the transformation of the energy sector in favor of fuel-free technologies and a new solution for the ecological future of the Planet.