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EU energy policy in the focus of technological transformation

The constantly accelerating scientific and technological progress in the field of creating new ways of generating alternative energy, stimulated by many thousands of supporters of a harmonious existence in balance with nature and supporters of the transition to a climate-neutral economy, has become a real symbol of modernity.

Despite the energy crisis in the EU, which is directly related to sanctions against Russia and financial emission during the pandemic, as well as the reactivation of coal thermal power plants due to a reduction in gas supplies from Russia, no one has decided to build an economy with zero CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by 2050. canceled.

The path to achieving this goal will be individual for each state. If the Scandinavian countries have an extensive river system and are located partly on the coast, which allows them to focus on hydro generation and wind energy, then France, for example, does not plan to abandon the use of nuclear power plants, although the steady heat this summer has led to a rise in water temperatures, which makes it difficult operation of nuclear power plant cooling systems, French nuclear reactors operate at less than half their capacity. In these difficult conditions for the nuclear industry, France announced plans to nationalize the Electricite de France (EDF), which operates 61 GW of nuclear power units. The state wants to keep afloat France's nuclear generation through share buybacks, which is important both economically and politically, given the shortage of gas in Europe.

A remarkable situation has developed in Germany, which categorically refuses nuclear energy and plans to switch to hydrogen energy and hydrogen transport, as well as solar and wind power generation. The utilization factor of the installed capacity of solar power plants and wind turbines is about 25% of the designed capacity, i.e., if solar power plants and wind turbines produced electricity around the clock, they would cover all Germany's electricity needs.

It is well known that solar and wind power generation have a very serious drawback - dependence on weather conditions. To smooth out such “ragged” power generation, it is necessary to increase the capacity of gas generation, which is contrary to plans to phase out fossil fuels. In addition, the higher the share of these types of generation, the more expensive such “smoothing” ends up being. It has been calculated that with a 30% share of solar and wind generation in the total energy balance, the energy system is destabilized, and even equalization with the help of gas generation becomes less effective. It turns out that Germany has already reached the limit of commissioning solar power plants and wind turbines, one of the proofs of this was the frequent cases of negative prices for electricity generated with their help, which meant an overproduction of electricity. Without energy buffering systems, such further development is already difficult. That is why more and more people are talking about hydrogen energy today. However, along with the purely technological problems of obtaining, transporting, storing and distributing hydrogen, as well as the financial component, no attention is paid to the fact that the hydrogen combustion reaction is 2H2 + O2 = 2H20, i.e. this means not just water droplets from the exhaust pipe of a car, but the consumption of oxygen from the atmosphere. Will there be a situation with large-scale hydrogen power generation, hydrogen transport and the refusal to burn fossil fuels, when carbon dioxide emissions will drastically decrease, and, as you know, oxygen appears as a result of photosynthesis of plants and forests, where CO2 absorption is in the chain, will the in this regard, the production of oxygen with its simultaneous absorption during the mass combustion of hydrogen? And won't this, however paradoxical it may sound, lead to the fact that the fight against carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere will lead to a sharp decrease in oxygen in it, given that massive deforestation is taking place all over the planet?

The best minds of the world continue to search for the most technologically advanced and neutral technologies for generating electrical energy. Of the technologies that are in the phase of rapid implementation, do not depend on external conditions and do not have any negative impact on the atmosphere, Neutrinovoltaic technology developed by Neutrino Energy Group should be singled out. Industrial production of Neutrino Power Cubes current sources will begin in Switzerland under a license agreement. If we systematize the available information available, it becomes clear that company scientists use graphene as a material for "collecting" energy from the environment. Under the scientific guidance of the founder and project leader, at the same time the president of the Neutrino Energy Group, Mr. Holger Thorsten Schubart, the company managed to achieve priority in the study of graphene as a material for generating electricity and is far ahead of other researchers in the applied application of the results.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, President, Neutrino Energy Group
Holger Thorsten Schubart, President, Neutrino Energy Group

The principle of operation of current sources made on the basis of Neutrinovoltaic technology is the use of a special multilayer composite material invented by the company, capable of converting the surrounding fields of invisible spectrum radiation, including neutrinos, into electric current.

“The idea of ​​creating a material for generating electric current under the influence of particles of the invisible radiation spectrum,” according to Holger Thorsten Schubart, “has existed for a long time, since the flow of such particles falling on the Earth is stable around the clock and does not depend on weather conditions. The task was to create a highly sensitive material that could respond to the impact of such particles and cause a directed movement of electrons. The discovery of graphene and the study of its properties made it possible for a group of our scientists to create such a highly sensitive material. Now, no serious scientist doubts the fact that graphene cannot exist in a 2D plane. Due to the peculiarities of the crystal lattice, "graphene waves" appear on the surface of graphene. And it is this property of graphene that allowed us to create a highly sensitive multilayer material from alternating layers of graphene and silicon with the addition of alloying elements. Any radiation, including cosmic neutrinos, affects the frequency and amplitude of vibrations of graphene atoms, turning them into resonance. The presence of layers of doped silicon, placed between the layers of graphene, as a result of the effect of "oblique scattering" cause a directed movement of electrons. The overall effect is what physicists call "oblique scattering," where clouds of electrons deflect their motion in one direction. We also assume that in our case, the multilayer arrangement of alternating layers of graphene and doped silicon leads to the effect of "oblique scattering". DC power sources are very compact, which allows them to be placed inside the cases of electrical appliances and even inside the cases of electric vehicles.”

Neutrinovoltaic technology will make it possible to switch the power supply of individual houses, electrical appliances, electric vehicles, etc. on autonomous power sources that are unpretentious in operation, thus creating an extensive network of micro power generating devices, characterized by stable round-the-clock and all-season generation. Such a system is the optimal distributed power supply system and is characterized by reliable operation and low price. Electrical appliances and electric vehicles with installed in-hull DC sources are, without a doubt, the future of mankind, subject to even the most stringent environmental standards.

Thus, in the race of scientific and technological progress, clear leaders have emerged, the main thing is not to forget that any innovations should serve the benefit of man and future generations.


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