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Fields of radiation of different spectra - a new source of electric power

Currently, electricity produced at power plants is transmitted over hundreds of kilometers via power lines. This leads to significant energy losses. In addition, large amounts of money are spent on the construction and maintenance of an extensive system of power lines.

Modern technologies for generating electricity do not allow for a significant reduction in the load and costs of its distribution system. Moreover, the demand for electricity is growing every year, and today the existing distribution system has already reached the limit of its capacity to transmit energy. Because of this, significant investments are needed to modernize the system.

At the beginning of the 21st century, science and technology are rapidly developing in all areas, including energy. The desire to abandon the use of fossil fuels has led to the development of many innovative technologies that allow electricity to be produced without burning fuel. These technologies open up prospects for the creation of a branched distributed system, where household consumers will be able to receive electricity from autonomous fuel-free generators, no longer depending on the centralized power supply. Although such a technological breakthrough may seem incredible, in the coming decades, energy consumers around the world will begin to actively use fuel-free technologies to produce electricity.

Currently, fuel-free technologies are based on solar panels and wind generators. However, scientists are increasingly talking about the fact that invisible radiation that surrounds us everywhere can be used to create generators for various purposes. These possibilities are becoming real thanks to research into the properties of two-dimensional materials and the development of industrial methods for their production.

Today, graphene is one of the most studied two-dimensional materials. Its use in devices that convert the kinetic energy of radiation particles into electric current has shown impressive results and made it possible to create the first prototypes of fuel-free generators Neutrino Power Cubes, developed by Neutrino Energy Group. According to President Holger Thorsten Schubart, the company is working on an industrial technological process that will automate and reduce the cost of production, but the results already achieved allow the industrial production of Neutrino Power Cubes to begin in the very near future after the completion of all certification processes.

Бестопливный генератор Neutrino Power Cube
Neutrino Power Cube Fuel-Free Generator

Holger Thorsten Schubart, mathematician and president of the international holding company Neutrino Energy Group, describes the Neutrino Power Cube: “The power generating module is a set of pressed power generating plates placed in a separate housing. The power generating plate is a metal foil with a multilayer nanomaterial applied to one side consisting of alternating layers of graphene and silicon with the addition of alloying elements. The coated side of the metal foil is the positive pole, and the uncoated side is the negative pole. The oscillations of the graphene atoms under the influence of Brownian motion are amplified by the external influence of the surrounding radiation fields, including the neutrino flux, which causes a resonance of the oscillations of the graphene atoms, which is removed in the form of a direct electric current. Atomic oscillations in resonance allow for an increase in the return of electrons upon contact with doped silicon. Graphene is a material that converts the energy of radiation fields, including the neutrino flux, into an electric current.” Neutrino Power Cube is a unique generator that can be installed directly at the point of energy consumption, eliminating power losses. The device consists of seven power-generating modules combined into one unit with a total net power of 5-6 kW. The control unit with inverters is designed to convert the generated current into both alternating current - ~380/220/48/24 V (AC) and direct current - 48/24 V (DC). The overall dimensions of the Neutrino Power Cube are 80x50x100 cm.

In the context of controversial statements about wind generation, which are heard during election speeches of politicians in various countries, including the USA and Germany, the launch of compact fuel-free generators on the market, operating in the basic mode regardless of weather conditions and time of day, is undoubtedly a breakthrough in technological development. This allows the generator to be used at any time of the day, which makes it especially attractive for those who need a stable source of energy related to the guaranteed power supply system, unlike solar and wind generation. An important factor is the lack of need to occupy land for their placement, as for solar and wind generation facilities, which radically change the natural landscape and reduce the already small natural space for people to live and relax.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of the international holding Neutrino Energy Group
Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of the international holding Neutrino Energy Group

A key indicator of the success of the development of Neutrinovoltaic technology and Neutrino Energy Group is the release of NET8 tokens (cryptocurrency), backed not only by convincing euro reserves at the initial stage, but the token is also tied to 10 kW of energy production by Neutrino Power Cubes fuel-free generators. Built on the Solana blockchain, NET8 represents the fusion of renewable energy innovation and blockchain technology. By July 2025, NET8 will be fully tradable on third-party platforms, which will provide improved accessibility and attractiveness to investors. Currently, more detailed information can be obtained and simultaneously invested in tokens at The development of convenient and easy-to-use fuel-free generators opens up new horizons in the field of energy of the future. Of particular note is the potential for using graphene power generation to solve a wide range of pressing energy supply problems, including the creation of electric vehicles with built-in graphene generators and many other innovative developments.


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