Fuel-free generators - an alternative to traditional energy
What the energy industry will be like in 30-50 years depends on the technologies that mankind possesses or those that are already at the stage of industrial implementation.Despite the energy crisis in European countries, the age of fossil fuels is coming to an end.This topic is relevant today, more than ever, and for Russia.
“Our task today is not only to drill holes in the ground, to extract gas and oil and sell them at a high price, our task is to diversify the economy and give it an innovative character,” said Russian President V.V. Putin in an interview with the American magazine Time in 2007. “That is why we are creating new development institutions, special economic zones, which is why we are paying special attention to the development of education and science,” he stressed, “We proceed from the fact that we should live not on oil, but on brains.” .
Unfortunately, in peaceful technologies, Russia lags far behind advanced countries, which, as a rule, do not have significant reserves of fossil fuels, which makes the scientists of these countries especially concentrate on applied scientific research in the field of energy technologies. Therefore, the task of Russian science, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian industrialists and entrepreneurs should be to timely pay attention to the emerging trends in the global energy sector that accompany the process of its transformation and actively search for new fuel-free technologies for power generation.

A number of countries are now actively working on technologies related to the generation of energy under the influence of invisible spectrum radiation fields. Progress in research is directly related to the emergence of nanomaterials capable of converting the kinetic energy of particles of surrounding radiation fields into electric current. Currently, scientists have come to the conclusion that such a material is graphene, the studies of which have shown that it cannot exist stably in the 2D plane, showing signs of a 3D material. Assessing the ability of graphene to generate electricity, prof. Tibado (University of Arkansas) in an interview with Research Frontiers stated: “This is the key to using the movement of 2D materials as a source of inexhaustible energy. The tandem vibrations cause ripples in the graphene sheet, which makes it possible to extract energy from the surrounding space using the latest nanotechnology.”
All materials are made up of atoms that vibrate.These atomic vibrations, or "phonons", are responsible, for example, for how electrical charge and heat are transferred in materials.The vibrations of metals, semiconductors and insulators are well studied.However, materials are currently being used at the nanoscale to improve the performance of devices such as displays, sensors, batteries, and catalytic membranes.
What happens to vibrations when the material is nanosized?Professor ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich) Vanessa Wood and co-authors showed that when materials are produced with sizes less than 10–20 nanometers, that is, 5000 times thinner than a human hair, the vibrations of the outer atomic layers on the surface of nanoparticles are large.It is this property that causes such a phenomenon, in which vibrations of graphene atoms cause the appearance of "graphene waves", observed in a microscope with high resolution.
The works of Nobel Laureates in Physics for 2015 Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald, who proved the presence of mass in neutrinos and concluded that neutrinos of a certain mass can propagate in space, the works of prof. Vanessa Wood and Prof. Tibado, the work of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the study of graphene and boron nitride, as well as the results of the COHERENT collaboration at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA) published in 2017 on the interaction of mass neutrinos with the nuclei of argon atoms, and many other works of domestic and foreign scientists allowed the scientific and technological company Neutrino Energy Group, led by mathematician Holger Thorsten Schubart, to theoretically substantiate the long-term experimental results of research carried out by their team to create a material that allows you to receive an electric current under the influence of particles of ambient radiation fields (neutrinos, electrosmog, terahertz waves (T-rays ), antineutrinos, etc.), as well as from the thermal Brownian motion of graphene atoms.

Experimental work carried out by Holger Thorsten Schubart and a team of scientists made it possible to find the optimal composition of a material capable of converting the kinetic energy of particles of radiation fields into electricity. It consists of 12 layers of graphene-doped silicon deposited on a metal foil, with a total ratio of 75/25%. The choice of graphene as the prevailing material is due to the presence of a hexagonal crystal lattice, due to which vibrations of graphene atoms cause the appearance of “graphene waves”. According to Holger Thorsten Schubart, “The displacement of one atom, summing up with the displacements of other atoms, causes the appearance of surface waves with horizontal polarization, known in acoustics as “Love waves”. Due to the characteristics of the graphene crystal lattice, the atoms vibrate as if in tandem, which distinguishes such movements from the spontaneous movements of molecules in liquids.
However, atomic vibrations by themselves cannot cause an electric current, which is why the task was to direct graphene electrons in one direction. To do this, the internal symmetry of the material, or what physicists call "inversion", must be broken. Normally, graphene's electrons should feel an equal force between them, meaning that any incoming energy scatters the electrons in all directions, symmetrically. It was necessary to break the inversion of graphene and cause an asymmetric flow of electrons in response to the incoming energy from neutrinos and particles of the surrounding radiation fields. Based on the published results of studies of graphene by other scientists, Holger Thorsten Schubart suggested that placing a layer of graphene between layers of doped silicon “knocks” graphene electrons out of balance, electrons closest to silicon experienced a certain effect. The overall effect was what physicists call "oblique scattering," a term for the process by which clouds of electrons deflect their motion in one direction. The stronger the energy of the incoming radiation, the more energy can be converted in the converter device into direct current.
This design allowed scientists to obtain a voltage of 1.5 V and a current of 2 A from an A-4 plate. During the experiments, it was found that applying a nanomaterial to one side of a metal foil made it a positive pole, and the reverse clean side of the foil became a negative pole. Considering the factors that influence the spontaneous oscillations of the "graphene wave", the Neutrino Energy Group scientists came to the conclusion that the electrogenerating plates should be placed in a stack, as in a pack of writing paper, to achieve maximum compactness. Such a technical solution gave a convincing result; at the moment, the Neutrino Power Cube “free energy” fuel-free generator (FTG) created by them, with a net power of 5-6 kW, has a size of only 800x400x600 mm, weight about 50 kg, which allows you to place it anywhere in your home or apartment. This will allow consumers to abandon centralized power supply in the near future, which is especially important for European consumers of electricity and heat, who are concerned about the upward trend in prices for energy supply. Industrial licensed production of FTG Neutrino Power Cube will begin in Switzerland in a year and a half.
Russian scientists and business structures showed great interest in the development of Neutrino Energy Group.Unfortunately, the agreements reached on joint research and the organization of licensed production in Russia of the FTG Neutrino Power Cube are hampered by blocking financial and political sanctions.
Given this situation, it should be objectively noted that international sanctions are a serious obstacle for scientific work on an international scale and for the process of development and implementation of such technologies that are strategically important for all mankind, while time is rushing and the environmental situation is developing according to the most critical scenario.