Fuel-free technologies will replace hydrocarbons

There is an opinion that only Western countries actively lobby for the global energy transition, both for political reasons and in order to solve the problems of global warming. But such judgments are fundamentally wrong, as demonstrated by the 20th Shanghai Auto Show, where the overwhelming majority of exhibits were hybrids and electric cars. China has also taken a course on reforming the energy sector, expanding the nuclear generation sector, solar energy and wind generation on a large scale.
Russia, however, risks becoming a hostage to cheap energy resources, when at the stage of formation of a particular energy generation technology, the cost of generated electricity is higher than from traditional energy associated with the combustion of fossil fuels. In such conditions, it is completely logical that new electricity generation technologies are not being introduced, but this will fix Russia's lag as the cost of production of equipment for alternative electricity generation falls.
According to the analyst of FG Finam Andrey Maslov, quoted in the publication lenta.ru, "in general, with the current production and consumption in Russia, profitable oil reserves will be enough for the next 30 years. If we talk about known reserves in general, they will be enough for about 36 years." To develop a significant market share in the overall energy balance of any country, as the practice of introducing solar and wind power generation has shown, more than a dozen years are required. Therefore, Russia does not have time for long reflections; it is already necessary to have a developed strategy for replacing oil and gas with alternative technologies. Underestimating the importance of these strategic tasks for the future of the country will jeopardize not only the economic development of Russia, but can also lead to unpredictable consequences.
Everyone understands that at the stage of introducing a new technology, developers and owners of production facilities try to return the investments used for research and construction of production facilities. But as the payback period and the volume of production increases, the cost of electricity generation falls and quite significantly. This happened, for example, with the cost of solar panels. Scaling up the production of solar panels led to a drop in prices and to the unprofitability of their production in the EU. A similar situation arose in Russia, when Rusnano spent 14 billion rubles to create a plant for the production of polycrystalline silicon used to produce solar panels. While it was being built, the volume of production in China reached such a volume that the price of polycrystalline silicon in China turned out to be 4 times lower than in Russia. The given example shows that the start date of industrial production in the conditions of international competition of critical technologies plays one of the key roles in the success of a business.
The unfolding technological race in the world to conduct research and development work in the field of fuel-free technologies for power generation and transport, not to mention the industrial production of finished products, bypasses Russia, which means that Russia will buy these products from countries that have established industrial production earlier.
Another serious problem in Russia is that the years of "perestroika" dealt an irreparable blow to scientific personnel. As a result, university science simply "died", the quality of education in the country, with the exception of a few universities, is unsatisfactory. In Russia, there is almost no infrastructure for experimental design work. This was stated by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov, speaking at the Council on Intellectual Property in the Federation Council.
Information about the development of work in certain countries to create electricity generation using fuel-free technologies shows the vector of development of the energy of the future. There is no information in the open press about any research and development work by Russian scientific institutions in the field of fuel-free electricity generation, and solar energy and wind turbines began to be introduced in Russia much later than in other countries. I would not like a similar situation to repeat itself with the Neutrinovoltaic electricity generation technology.

If Russia for one reason or another lags behind certain technological developments, then it is necessary to acquire patents and deploy production in Russia with 100% localization. This was supposed to be done with the production of Neutrino Power Cubes fuel-free generators with a net capacity of 5-10 kW and with the introduction of Neutrinovoltaic technology for the production of electric vehicles with a housing that has energy collection points from surrounding radiation fields. Work on the creation of the first experimental housings is being carried out by Neutrino Energy Group together with 2 Indian companies. Three years are allocated for the completion of such work. Industrial production of Neutrino Power Cubes fuel-free generators with a net capacity of 5-10 kW is planned to begin in Switzerland and Korea next year.
Understanding the importance and potential of investments in the construction of a plant for the production of Neutrino Power Cubes, one of the Russian companies acquired a license for the right to produce Neutrino Power Cubes generators and electric vehicles with a built-in Neutrinovoltaic power supply system for electric vehicles. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to launch the construction of a plant in Russia in the current political situation under sanctions and embargo, but all partners are committed to their obligations and there is confidence that plants for the production of Neutrinovoltaic power generation will be built in Russia and electric vehicles will start driving on Russian roads that will not need charging from a centralized power supply system.
Author: Rumiantcev L.K.