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G20 in Brazil gives new impetus to fuel-free power generation

Recently, there have been increasing reports in the press that large energy companies such as BP, Shell, Equinor and others are reconsidering their business models and returning to traditional oil and gas activities, abandoning the low-carbon energy sector.

The reason for this decision was the declining profitability of renewable energy projects, especially offshore wind energy, due to rising costs, supply chain issues and technical difficulties. In order to increase the value of their shares on the stock market and convince investors of the future profitability of their activities, companies are taking such measures. For example, BP has suspended investments in 18 hydrogen production projects and plans to sell its wind and solar power plants. Shell has abandoned floating wind turbine and hydrogen power plant projects, sold oil refineries and reduced its carbon dioxide emissions reduction plan for 2030. Norway's Equinor has also begun to review its low-carbon business. However, it is worth noting that the listed companies are not completely abandoning investments in low-carbon energy. These actions are dictated by forecasts that hydrocarbon production will increase by 2-3% per year until 2028.

Лавров Сергей Викторович – министр иностранных дел России  Holger Thorsten Schubart, президент Neutrino Energy Group
Right: Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Left: Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of Neutrino Energy Group

But climate change is happening at an alarming rate. In his speech at the G20 summit in Brazil, Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of Neutrino Energy Group, said: “It is tangible, measured in lives lost to floods, communities destroyed by wildfires, and economies destabilized by resource shortages. Every moment we hesitate is a moment stolen from future generations. Just imagine the financial consequences: billions in disaster recovery, trillions in lost revenue, and irreparable loss of biodiversity. But behind the numbers is the human cost: displaced families, ruined livelihoods, and lost hope. The energy transition is not a choice, it is a necessity.” It is worth noting that the energy needs of artificial intelligence and cloud computing are growing rapidly. Already, individual data centers consume more electricity than some cities and even entire states in the US. According to CNBC, a single data center operating at 85% capacity uses as much energy as 1.8 million people per year. Regardless of the source of energy, data centers are already under pressure from existing infrastructure, says Nat Sahlstrom, chief energy officer at Tract, a Denver-based company that provides land, infrastructure, and energy for data centers.

Solar and wind energy may not be enough to meet current needs because they are dependent on unpredictable weather conditions. In this regard, it is necessary to develop new “clean” technologies for electricity production that are not dependent on the weather and become reliable sources of energy.

This is exactly what Holger Thorsten Schubart said when he presented the development of Neutrino Energy Group at the G20 working group on alternative energy:

Neutrinovoltaic technology is a revolutionary innovation that uses the kinetic energy of particles of invisible radiation, such as neutrinos and other types of radiation. This technology opens up new horizons in our understanding of new realities in the field of energy production. Unlike traditional renewable sources such as solar panels or windmills, Neutrinovoltaic systems operate independently of external factors such as sunlight or wind, providing a stable and reliable source of energy.

The Neutrino Power Cube is a compact and scalable fuel-free energy generator that offers a decentralized solution for communities that have difficulty accessing electricity. Imagine remote villages that will be provided with a reliable power supply without the need for complex grid infrastructure.

The Pi Car project is a bold step towards a sustainable and self-sufficient future of mobility based on the use of Neutrinovoltaic technology. This innovative approach allows cars to generate their own energy even when parked in the air. This eliminates the need for charging infrastructure, significantly reducing emissions and reducing dependence on limited resources. The Pi Car project, which is still in development, is an important step towards a more environmentally friendly and autonomous future of mobility.

The successful implementation of the Neutrino Power Cube fuel-free electric current generators project, the industrial production of which is 100% ready, as well as the Pi Car project for the development of autonomous electric vehicles with a graphene system built into its body for converting the energy of particles of surrounding radiation fields, as well as the temperature gradient when heating the body of the electric vehicle into electric current, became possible due to the properties of graphene.

Two-dimensional materials, in particular graphene, have unique properties that already now allow us to predict the unlimited possibilities of their application in fuel-free electricity generation and the creation of distributed autonomous electricity generation on their basis.


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