Graphene-Based New Power Generation Technology Created
The current situation with the energy supply in Europe shows that the presence of autonomous power supply systems allows their owners not to be afraid to receive electricity and heat bills that even the most well-to-do among them cannot pay.
No matter how cynical it may sound, this situation plays into the hands of companies that offer the population not only firewood, pellets and coal, but also heat and energy generators running on fuel oil and diesel fuel, as well as solar panels. With the exception of solar panels, all of the listed energy generation tools lead to CO2 emissions, which is contrary to the declared course of the EU on the global reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, although now politicians prefer not to focus on this. The installation of solar panels is economically justified when the region has enough sunny days per year. In winter, when the nights are long and the days are short, and the weather is mostly cloudy, the efficiency of power generation decreases significantly, respectively. These facts explain why research is so necessary in the field of creating autonomous power generation systems that are not related to the combustion of fossil fuels and do not depend on weather conditions.
Trends in the development of energy, especially in times of crisis, when uninterrupted power supply is an indispensable condition for survival, raise the question of developing methods for generating electricity that are not related to traditional energy and are based on the use of the latest materials. Energy issues are currently in the focus of world politics and economics. The current situation has shown the vulnerability of Western countries in the energy sector, but also clearly showed the need to accelerate the development of alternative methods of energy production. The energy industry itself, methods and means of obtaining and distributing electricity is a very conservative sector of the economy. In fact, today what is being mastered and working is what was invented 60-100 years ago, of course, taking into account modernization.
At present, many scientific studies are to some extent connected with the possibility of transforming the flux of solar particles incident on the Earth. This line of work is very promising due to the emergence of new materials. It is the revolutionary changes in the technologies for obtaining environmentally friendly safe electricity that does not damage and pollute the environment that will be the launching pad for humanity on a new round of technological progress. The development of IT technologies, robotic technology is certainly important, but without a revolution in power supply, the survival of mankind is in jeopardy.

Of great interest are the latest developments that use graphene as a material for power sources. Studies of graphene have shown that it has high mechanical strength, high thermal and electrical conductivity, which has already made it possible to start using it for various purposes, such as highly efficient heat-removing surfaces, batteries with improved characteristics, nanomechanical resonators, electron multiplication channels in emission nanoelectronics devices, high-capacity sorbents for the safe storage of hydrogen, etc. The range of use of graphene is so wide that it can radically change the technological level of human development.
At present, in serious scientific circles, no one doubts the possibility of graphene to generate electric current under the influence of various types of radiation of the invisible spectrum. By combining graphene with boron nitride, scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were able to obtain a constant electric current under the influence of terahertz waves. Terahertz waves are ubiquitous in our daily lives, and if harnessed, concentrated energy could potentially serve as an alternative energy source. MIT scientists also found that the stronger the energy of the incoming terahertz, the more energy the device can convert to direct current. The researchers designed a terahertz rectifier consisting of a small square of graphene, which is located on a layer of boron nitride and is located inside the antenna, which will collect and concentrate the surrounding terahertz radiation, amplifying its signal enough to convert it to direct current.

However, despite all the authority of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the scientific world and the financial support of the state, the primacy in the study of the use of graphene for power generation belongs to the scientific and technological company Neutrino Energy Group, which developed the technology for generating electricity. Scientists under the scientific supervision of a mathematician, doctor of economics. scientists Holger Thorsten Schubart created a multilayer nanomaterial of alternating layers of graphene and doped silicon deposited on a metal foil, which generates an electric current under the influence of thermal Brownian motion of graphene atoms and the kinetic energy of particles of surrounding fields of invisible radiation, including neutrinos. The optimal composition of such a material assumes the presence of 12 alternating graphene-silicon layers with a total ratio of 75/25%.
From the published works of various authors, it is known that one layer of graphene is capable of generating extremely low power, which is why scientists initially could not find practical application for their research, limited only by scientific interest. The use of multi-layer material allowed the Neutrino Energy Group to reach the characteristics of the generated power, which allow us to talk about the industrial use of graphene's ability to generate energy. Thus, a metal foil of size A-4 with a multilayer coating applied on one side generates an electric current of 3 W, and after coating, the coated side of the foil becomes a positive pole, and the uncoated side becomes a negative one, which makes it possible, using serial and parallel connection of plates, achieve the desired parameters in terms of current and voltage.
The question arises why, it would seem, such a simple solution about the use of multilayer graphene and silicon nanolayers did not guess to be applied by other researchers? On the one hand, the decision of the Neutrino Energy Group scientists suggested itself, but, on the other hand, it was not clear how to make graphene electrons flow in one direction? Holger Thorsten Schubart, president of Neutrino Energy Group, comments on their design decision: “The multilayer arrangement of alternating layers of graphene and doped silicon leads to the fact that the forces between graphene electrons are “knocked out” of balance. The overall effect was what physicists call "skew scattering," where clouds of electrons deflect their motion in one direction, which is called direct electric current. In addition, it is extremely important to use pure graphene, practically without impurities, and to follow the technology of doping and deposition of layers of graphene and silicon, which are deposited in a vacuum, without access to oxygen.”
The creation of Neutrinovoltaic power generation technology allows you to receive electricity around the clock, regardless of the location of the energy cell. Power sources based on Neutrinovoltaic technology consist of several power generating modules, each of which is a set of densely packed plates placed in a separate housing. A big advantage of this design is the ability to increase the output power of the current sources to the required output characteristics for current and voltage. In 2023, licensed industrial production of Neutrino Power Cubes power sources with a capacity of 5-10 kW with alternating voltage of 220 V and 380 V, as well as direct current, will begin in Switzerland.
Of course, in this case we are dealing with one of the most innovative and progressive technologies of environmentally friendly energy generation in the world.The development and implementation of this innovative technology in everyday life will mark the beginning of a new era in the energy sector.