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Graphene energy generator - a revolutionary reality of power generation

The confrontation between the leading world powers has reached such a crisis state that today it covers literally all areas where international interests can only come into contact: from peaceful sports, art to trade and technological wars. It is already clear that the next stage will be an aggravation of the climate conflict, since it is climate change that will become the dominant economic and political topic of the coming decades, and this process is already having a direct impact on the development of the energy and transport sectors.

The expected changes in energy and transport will progress rapidly. The profitability of oil and gas production will constantly fall due to the depletion of the reserves of the most accessible fields. Taken together, this means that in less than a generation, the way we generate electricity will need to be fundamentally changed, with an unconditional phase-out of fossil fuels. If we take into account that it took decades for the widespread introduction of solar energy and wind generation, and these methods have serious drawbacks that exclude the possibility of their dominance in the overall energy balance, then the process of transforming the energy sector is an extremely difficult and extremely important task.

Against the backdrop of the political and economic confrontation of the world powers, the issue of providing the population of Western countries with energy is acute. The current crisis provides a real chance for scientific breakthroughs in the field of alternative power generation and transport, as now new energy technologies are in great demand more than ever, not only by business, but also by politics. This circumstance is the reason for the increased interest of scientific circles and business structures in the latest development of Neutrino Energy Group under the scientific supervision of mathematician and businessman Holger Thorsten Schubart in the field of energy generation, which made a scientific breakthrough in the issue of generating electricity under the influence of surrounding radiation fields, including neutrinos.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of Neutrino Energy Group
Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of Neutrino Energy Group

Many have not yet realized in their understanding the scale of this scientific work of scientists, which is not surprising, everything new causes skeptical perception in the human mind.

In fact, we are talking about the technological possibility of obtaining energy under the influence of inexhaustible energy fields of radiation, including a neutrino flux of 60 billion particles per second that penetrate every cm2 of the earth's surface day and night, which provides approximately the same power generation around the clock, regardless of weather conditions.

Billions of dollars of investment in basic science, invested by various countries and published data from experiments in the field of research on 2D materials, nanomaterials, research on the properties of neutrinos and their interaction with the nuclei of chemical substances, called coherent elastic neutrino-nuclear scattering (CEvNS) laid the theoretical foundations that helped Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of the NEUTRINO Energy Group, to find the right technological solution and scientifically substantiate the possibility of converting the energy of neutrinos and other particles of the invisible radiation spectrum into direct electric current, apply this phenomenon in practice and prove the efficiency of the technology.

Graphene was taken as the basis of the electrically generating material, which cannot exist in the 2D plane, but only in the 3D plane. Graphene is a special material that is also known for its exceptional electron mobility property. Holger Thorsten Schubart notes that “graphene was taken as the basis of a multilayer nanomaterial that made it possible to convert the kinetic energy of particles of the invisible spectrum into electricity, but in the future it is possible to use other two-dimensional materials, for example, a carafe nanomaterial is being studied, which is called the miracle material of the future. When choosing materials for the manufacture of our nanomaterial, we focused on both its properties and price, because For consumers, the price of the electricity they receive is very important.”

graphene waves
Graphene waves

Created by the Neutrino Energy Group, the nanomaterial makes it possible to obtain electricity from the environment due to the vibrations of graphene atoms, which occur due to the features of the crystal lattice in the form of “graphene waves”, which are observed in a microscope with high resolution. In an interview with Research Frontiers, Professor Thibado (University of Arkansas) described this property of graphene as follows: “This is the key to using the movement of 2D materials as a source of inexhaustible energy. The tandem vibrations cause ripples in the graphene sheet, which makes it possible to extract energy from the surrounding space using the latest nanotechnology.”

In itself, the ability of graphene to convert energy from the environment is important, but the power received per unit surface of 1 graphene layer is relatively small, which initially cast doubt on the possibility of using the effect for practical applications. Given the fact that the deposition of graphene over large areas is a complex technological process, such a discovery in itself would be useless if it could not be applied in practice, which implies the creation of independent current sources that could take their significant place in the energy market segment. Such an ambitious prospect obliges and defines special requirements: the source must be compact, not require complex technical measures and restrictions for placement and operation, and be as simple as possible to use. At the same time, the price of generated electricity should allow it to occupy a certain share of the energy market without subsidies from the state. Holger Thorsten Schubart's proposal was simple to the point of genius. It was decided to refuse to cover large areas with graphene and make the generating material multilayer.

The rapid development of the evidence base of Neutrinovoltaic technology and the justification of its performance did not go unnoticed by global investment funds and business structures and led to success. The first industrial serial Neutrino Power Cube power sources designed for household power supply with an output power of 5 kWh will begin to be produced under license conditions in Switzerland during 2023.

Today, Neutrino Energy Group receives a large number of requests from well-known international scientific universities, including Russia, India, the USA, Great Britain, etc., for the scientific support of the project. Moreover, many of them independently produced nanomaterials, taking as a basis the description of technology to patents, and measured the output current and voltage. Some scientists reported that the Neutrinovoltaic technology was tested in the laboratory and showed even better performance than the Neutrino Energy Group indicated in its own publications.

There is every reason to expect that the introduction of Neutrinovoltaic technology into our everyday life will become one of the most important stages of scientific and technological progress of the 21st century, which will mean "energy independence" and, of course, will reduce the conflict of the political situation in the world.


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