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Graphene nanomaterial is the basis for fuel-free power generation technology

Fuel-free electric generators for power supply of a private house, apartment and even a small industrial enterprise, for example, a greenhouse farm, can be purchased in a store, like, for example, a washing machine. Our mobility is provided by electric cars that do not need charging from centralized power lines. How realistic is this picture and is there a chance of implementing such ideas in life?

Is the implementation of these ideas a utopia or a logical result of the scientific and technological development of mankind? Is society ready for such radical changes when you get behind the wheel of an electric car and you do not need to worry that the battery will run out and the electric car will stop in an "open field"?

Fuel-free technologies have received a unique chance for implementation today, as their time has come. Resource-consuming countries are striving to get rid of dependence on energy purchases, preferring to increase the efficiency of their economies through the introduction of fuel-free technologies, and one of the main roles in this process belongs to nanomaterials.

Figure: Graphene (taken from open sources)
Figure: Graphene (taken from open sources)

Solar energy and wind power generation should also be classified as fuel-free technologies. However, these technologies are characterized by instability of electricity generation. Thus, the generation of wind power plants (WPP) in the European Union on 04/01/23 exceeded 30% of the total volume of electricity generation, and on 04/05/23 it dropped to 6.8%, according to data from the Wind Europe association. Such instability of electricity generation implies the need to have maneuverable capacities, which increases capital costs and raises energy consumption rates for consumers. However, technologies related to guaranteed sources of electricity supply and generating electricity in the basic mode, regardless of weather conditions, have already begun to appear. Among these, the most promising are technologies associated with the generation of electricity under the influence of invisible spectrum radiation, since it is the radiation power of the invisible spectrum that is stable day and night and does not depend on weather conditions. In addition, these radiations have a high penetrating ability, which does not require special conditions for the placement of power generating equipment, unlike, for example, solar panels.

"Collecting" electricity from energy fields is an extremely difficult task. That is why after the death of the Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla (July 10, 1856 - January 7, 1943), scientists have not been able to solve this problem or at least repeat his experiments, although forces not interested in their existence and industrial implementation play an important role in blocking the development of such technologies. You can find many such examples on the Internet.

A real breakthrough in the development of methods for generating electricity under the influence of energy fields of invisible spectrum radiation occurred several years ago. The production and study of the properties of the graphene nanomaterial allowed the Neutrino Energy Group company to create a material that made it possible to convert the energy of surrounding radiation fields into electric current. The technology for creating the nanomaterial was called Neutrinovoltaic.

The nanomaterial consists of alternating layers of graphene and doped silicon. Graphene (carbon) belongs to group 4 of the periodic table of chemical elements and has 4 covalent bonds. Therefore, silicon, which also belongs to the same group, was chosen as the material for the plates between which the graphene layer is placed. The specific conductivity of graphene is close to the specific conductivity of metals such as copper, but silicon belongs to the class of semiconductors. To create n-type electronic or electrical conductivity in silicon, silicon is doped with elements of group 5 or 6 of the periodic table, as indicated in patent No. EP3265850A1.

Схематичное изображение наноматериала
Schematic representation of a nanomaterial

The electric current generated by the nanomaterial applied to the metal substrate is constant. In the nanomaterial, the graphene waves of each layer equally affect both silicon plates, between which the graphene layer is located, and according to Lenz's law, the electromotive force of induction in a closed circuit is equal and opposite in sign to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the surface, so the charged particles should be directed in both directions, but they are directed only in one direction. To achieve this effect, scientists from Neutrino Energy Group applied film coatings of alloying elements in each layer, which create a p-n junction that provides the effect of a film diode, passing electric current only in one direction and blocking the passage of electric current in the other direction. Currently, scientists can stably obtain a voltage of 1.5 V and a current of 2.0 A from a 200x300 mm plate.

Graphene is a unique material, belonging to 2D materials. However, its behavior can only be described in a three-vector coordinate system. Due to the hexagonal crystal lattice, the thermal motion of atoms and the impact of neutrinos with mass on the nucleus of graphene atoms lead to the appearance of microvibrations of graphene. It is the mechanism of microvibrations that allows generating electric current. Graphene (carbon) has an atomic number of 12 in the periodic table of chemical elements, so the nucleus of the atom is one of the lightest, which determines a more pronounced effect when neutrinos with mass collide with the nuclei of graphene atoms, and therefore increases the amplitude and frequency of oscillations of the "graphene" wave. That is why the authors of the invention, assessing the contribution of neutrinos to the process of generating electricity, called the technology Neutrinovoltaic.

Currently, Neutrino Energy Group, together with Indian partners, is adapting Neutrinovoltaic technology to create an electric vehicle body that will charge the battery and create traction force. Moreover, electricity generation will occur both in motion and when the electric vehicle is parked, day and night. According to the plan, 3 years are allocated for the development of a self-charging electric vehicle.

Analyzing the current situation on the fuel-free electricity generation market, we can conclude that the first steps in the development of environmentally friendly and safe energy have been made, and the world is gradually ready to accept the changes that the introduction of new "clean" progressive energy technologies will bring.

Author: Rumiantcev L.K., Ph.D.


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