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Graphene nanomaterial makes it possible to create a system of autonomous Neutrinovoltaic power gener

The 21st century is characterized not only by the growing problems in the field of climate and environmental issues, the tense political and economic situation, especially in the last two years against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, but also by the rapid progress in the development of science and technology.

At the end of the year, various experts and publications publish a list of the most significant discoveries and technologies that have been developed in the past year. The most significant are, for example, autonomous driving, blockchain, immunotherapy, nanotechnological inventions, nuclear fusion and artificial intelligence.

Over the past two years, this list has consistently included the Neutrinovoltaic technology for generating electricity under the influence of ambient radiation fields, developed by the international research alliance Neutrino Energy Group led by the German scientist and entrepreneur Holger Thorsten Schubart. In fairness, it should be noted that the first mentions in the press about the technology appeared more than 10 years ago, but, as the inventor himself noted, in those years society could not objectively assess the significance of the invention, since the inertia of thinking not only of a simple citizen, but also of experienced scientists , was more likely to perceive and comprehend power generation as some kind of super-complex process, for example, thermonuclear fusion, than power generation under the influence of radiation fields, and if you also heard from the inventor himself and the scientists who accompanied the development and testing process, that Neutrinovoltaic technology converts into including the energy of cosmic neutrinos, then such a statement was perceived critically and sometimes hostilely.

Over the past 15 years, the situation has changed dramatically: in 2015, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for proving that neutrinos have a mass, and in early 2021, the results of the COHERENT collaboration experiments at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA) were published, in which scientists from Russia (ITEF named after A.I. Alikhanov (NC "Kurchatov Institute"), University of MEPhI and MIPT). Scientific publications concluded that low-energy neutrinos participate in weak interactions with matter nuclei. This process is called coherent elastic neutrino-nuclear scattering (CEvNS).

What is the know-how of the Neutrinovoltaic invention?

The know-how of Neutrinovoltaic technology is a unique multilayer superhard nanothick material with increased vibration of atoms, consisting of alternating layers of graphene and silicon with the addition of alloying elements and applied to a thin metal foil. The magnitude of vibrations of graphene atoms is two orders of magnitude higher than, for example, that of silicon. Graphene, referring to 2D materials, due to the peculiarities of its own crystal lattice, exhibits the properties of 3D materials. Exposure to various fields of radiation and temperature leads to the appearance of "graphene" waves, which can be observed through a microscope with high magnification. The imposition of an external action of radiation fields on the internal frequency of atomic vibrations with the coincidence of frequencies leads to a resonance of atomic vibrations, and hence to a resonance of "graphene" waves, which is removed from a conductive metal substrate in the form of a direct electric current. Scientists managed to solve the problem of forced flow of graphene electrons in one direction, for this they used high-purity graphene and applied nanomaterial doping. The overall effect was what physicists call "skew scattering," where clouds of electrons deflect their motion in one direction, i.e. an electric current occurs. By changing the number of plates coated with innovative material and their size, the scientists obtained different output characteristics of the current source.

Since the basic elements do not use expensive scarce materials and there are practically no maintenance costs, the cost of obtaining energy from Neutrinovoltaic electricity sources is at least 50% cheaper than from solar panels, and this opens up great opportunities for eliminating the generation of electricity obtained by combustion.

Neutrino Energy Group, having completed many years of research in the field of combinations of various materials and alloyed elements, has been able to obtain convincing results in the field of creating a multilayer composite material for generating electric current and is currently leading the world in this area of ​​​​research and its technical application. As a result, a multilayer material was created that is capable of converting the energy of various radiations, including neutrinos, into electric current. The long-term dispute between scientists about the possibility of obtaining electricity from particles of the invisible radiation spectrum can thus be considered completed and the scientists of the Neutrino Energy Group put a convincing end to it by creating the Neutrinovoltaic technology.

Independent testing of Neutrinovoltaic technology at the Swiss Institute of Technology has shown that test tests of an energy cell at a depth of 30-35 meters underground in a concrete bunker and in a Faraday cage completely excluded the effect of any radiation, except for neutrinos and Brownian motion of atoms, on the process of generating direct current . Under these conditions, only neutrinos could interact with the tested nanomaterial. However, even under such conditions, the devices recorded a power of 2.5-3.0 W, obtained from an A-4 size metal foil with a multilayer nanomaterial, created by scientists from the Neutrino Energy Group, applied to one side of it.

The operability and technical characteristics of Neutrinovoltaic technology are also confirmed by an independent examination by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences at the request of the German automobile concern Daimler.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, Президент Neutrino Energy Group
Holger Thorsten Schubart, Президент Neutrino Energy Group

With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that new non-traditional technologies for power generation will be associated with the emergence of new nano- and metamaterials with desired properties. So, on October 13-14, 21, Dubai (UAE) hosted the international “Future Innovation Summit”, where a special prize “For innovations in the development of the energy of the future” was awarded to the President of the German-American company Neutrino Energy Group Holger Thorsten Schubart. The award was given for the development of Neutrinovoltaic technology - an innovative way to generate electricity under the influence of ambient fields of invisible spectrum radiation and other energy fields.

Analyzing the results, it should be noted that the past year turned out to be the most productive in the practical promotion of Neutrinovoltaic technology: Neutrino Energy Group is developing two production sites to start industrial production in Germany, licensed production of Neutrino Power Cubes current sources in Switzerland is at the stage of certification and the start of serial industrial production, the official branch of the company is registered in Russia, and the joint venture Progressus Neutrino is in the process of registration. As part of the joint venture, several enterprises will be built to ensure 100% localization in Russia of its own production of Neutrinovoltaic power sources on the basis of a license acquired by Russian business partners for the use of Neutrinovoltaic technology.

The joint activity of Russian and German businesses in an economy not related to fossil fuels or raw materials is a vivid example of peaceful productive cooperation of states regardless of political differences and gives confidence that the process of solving the most pressing problems of the 21st century, such as global warming , supplying energy to the growing needs of the population against the background of the energy transition and the rejection of fossil fuel combustion and the stabilization of the political situation are developing in the right and progressive direction, combining the potential for cooperation between business structures and science for the sake of technical progress in the name of the interests of all mankind.


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