Graphene opens new horizons for energy
The study of the properties of two-dimensional materials, in particular graphene, opens up opportunities for developing breakthrough technologies in various fields. One of the priority areas for such technologies is energy, energy storage systems and transport.
Despite the 20-year period of graphene research, which is carried out on an international scale, almost every year there are publications on the discovery of certain properties of graphene, which create new opportunities for the development of new revolutionary technologies, while becoming one of the most actively developing areas in science and technology. The number of publications in the world on the topic of graphene is tens of thousands.
In graphene, electrons behave like particles with zero effective mass, although in fact they have mass. This behavior of electrons is described by quantum mechanics, where the electron is considered as a wave of matter. This ensures exceptionally high mobility of charge carriers. In addition, graphene shows unique properties in electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity (about 5000 W / m K), strength, can stretch up to 20% of the original length, the optical properties of graphene are also unique.

The ability of graphene to generate electric current under the influence of surrounding fields of artificial and natural radiation in a wide range of waves allows it to be used in energy equipment for generating electricity. This ability was once again confirmed by the results of studies of graphene under the influence of terahertz radiation, conducted by scientists from the National University of Singapore under the leadership of D.A. Bandurin. The published article shows that Dirac electrons exposed to continuous terahertz (THz) radiation can be thermally separated from the crystal lattice, which activates the hydrodynamic transfer of electrons. In this mode, the resistance of graphene constrictions decreases due to the superballistic flow of correlated electrons caused by THz radiation. It has been suggested that electrons in graphene can behave like a single liquid, interacting and moving collectively, i.e. we are talking about the so-called "viscous electron flow" in graphene. It is claimed that the viscosity of the electron flow in graphene instantly decreases under the influence of terahertz radiation, making the "electron liquid" more fluid.
This conclusion is in good agreement and confirms the findings of Neutrino Energy Group about the ability of graphene to generate electric current under the influence of a wide range of ambient invisible radiation, including terahertz radiation, as well as the thermal motion of graphene atoms. The work of Singaporean scientists was carried out with single-layer graphene, "doped" with additional electrons to give it metallic properties. The result of the experiments is the creation of the first practical device using a viscous electron flow to detect THz waves.
Unlike their colleagues from the National University of Singapore, the research of scientists from Neutrino Energy Group is aimed at creating a practical technology for graphene fuel-free electricity generation. The first experiments immediately showed that single-layer graphene generates too little power, which does not allow us to talk about the industrial implementation of the technology. The solution was found by creating a multilayer nanomaterial consisting of alternating layers of graphene and silicon with alloying elements applied to one side of a metal foil. The volume fraction of graphene in it is from 50 to 75%.

The invention of scientists from Neutrino Energy Group allows us to talk about the creation of an innovative graphene fuel-free technology for power generation, on the basis of which it is possible to create distributed power generation. In recent years, a qualitative leap has been made from the invention to the industrial production of Neutrino Power Cubes generators. The first step will be the launch of the production of fuel-free generators with a net capacity of 5-6 kW, orders for which have already been closed for 2025-2026.

Advantages of Neutrino Power Cube over traditional power generation technologies, including solar and wind power plants:
The graphene power source does not require security and operating costs.
The overall dimensions of Neutrino Power Cube are 80x50x100 cm.
Warranty period is 20 years.
It has connectors for connecting equipment with alternating current - ~380/220/48/24 V (AC), and direct current -48/24 V (DC).
Power generation is carried out in the basic mode 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Silent operation. No rotating parts.
Autonomous fuel-free power generation that does not require connection to public grids.
It is located near the place of load consumption, which eliminates losses in the power grids.
The ongoing active research into the properties of graphene, its production technologies, and research into other two-dimensional materials promises the emergence of new significant technologies, but Neutrinovoltaic graphene technology is the undisputed leader in the practical application of graphene in the field of energy generation.
Author: Rumiantcev L.K.