Holger Schubart "I know how to convert the energy of invisible radiation fields into electricity"
Getting electricity under the influence of neutrinos penetrating every cm2 of the earth's surface with a stream of 60 billion particles per second - is this a solvable problem or a fantasy? My conversation with Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of the Neutrino Energy Group, touched directly on the technical side of Neutrino Energy's new energy project and Neutrinovoltaic technology and showed the cosmopolitan businessman's view of the current situation in the world and helped to understand some of his character traits a little better.
First, briefly about him: Holger Thorsten Schubart: Doctor of Economics, businessman and scientist, mathematician, who, together with a group of like-minded people Neutrinovoltaic, created technology - a way to generate electricity under the influence of thermal Brownian motion of graphene atoms, neutrinos and particles of the surrounding radiation fields of the invisible radiation spectrum.He knows how to convert energy from cosmic particles to neutrinos, which international teams of scientists, equipped with expensive equipment, have been trying to "catch" in Antarctica for many years.

Mr. Schubart, what is the special secret of your technology?
Schubart. The secret lies, first of all, in the naturalness of this energy and in the invention by a group of scientists from the Neutrino Energy Group of a superhard multilayer material with an increased vibration of graphene atoms. From a school course in physics, any person knows that there is a thermal Brownian motion of atoms and molecules of substances. The scientific task was to create a material capable of converting various radiations, primarily neutrinos, into electric current. In our work, we relied not only on our own experimental data, but also on the published experimental and theoretical works of outside scientists to choose the direction of our research. I note that for the analysis we used fundamental discoveries:
The neutrino has mass.
Neutrino interacts with the nuclei of atoms of matter, as shown by the experiments of the Coherent colaboratory.Moreover, the smaller the atomic weight of the material under study, the more clearly the effect of the impact of a neutrino having a mass manifests itself.
The strongest vibrations of atoms of substances are observed when materials are produced with dimensions less than 10-20 nanometers, that is, 5000 times thinner than a human hair (conclusion of Prof. ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich) Vanessa Wood and her colleagues).
These published scientific data allowed us to create a theoretical substantiation of the scientific results obtained by our group of scientists in the process of creating a multilayer nanomaterial. To preserve the integrity of the nanomaterial and for manufacturability, we deposited it on a thin metal foil. The optimal composition of the nanomaterial to obtain maximum efficiency contains 50-75% graphene and the rest is doped silicon. Such a composition and combination of layers make it possible, when neutrinos pass through it, with their super-penetrating ability, to obtain additional microvibrations of graphene atoms. These additional microvibrations are enough to amplify the atomic vibrations of the ultra-hard 12-layer nanothick material and translate the atomic vibrations into resonance, which is transferred to a metal carrier, and the resulting energy is converted into direct current. I see the need to clearly formulate that we do not “catch” neutrinos, but only use a small fraction of the neutrino energy to obtain additional microvibrations. Just as a wind generator does not catch the wind, so our material does not catch neutrinos.
And another special secret is that we should not make things bigger, more complex and more dangerous, but should look for small and flexible solutions. Large gigawatts of energy consumption are ultimately just losses and maintenance costs, but in fact, this is a technological legacy that goes back to the century before last. We will be able to organize, over the next decades, a constant guaranteed supply of energy without the need to expand high-voltage transmission lines through the development of small decentralized energy generating plants.
What is your most successful project in life?
Schubart. Of course, this is a Neutrinovoltaic project and the fact that the first licensed industrial production of Neutrino Power Cubes of 5-10 kW power sources begins next year is very significant for me, even though we are still at the very beginning of the journey. We are expanding our business partnerships with the goal of maximizing Neutrino Power Cubes production over the next few years. In addition, we continue scientific and technological work to adapt Neutrinovoltaic technology for the needs of electric transport, river and sea boats, etc. I am confident that our development will find application wherever energy is required.

What is your most unsuccessful project?
Schubart. Also the Neutrinovoltaic project, because every time I feel disappointed when I understand that there are so many innovative scientific solutions that can improve our lives, but how difficult and tedious to implement them in life, like our Neutrinovoltaic technology.
What is your special distinguishing feature that characterizes you as a person?
Schubart. Assessing yourself is always very difficult.I think others should give this answer.In any case, I feel well-equipped for the task which I must accomplish to the best of my knowledge, convictions, and to the best of my ability.
Are you rich?
Schubart. Undoubtedly.I am rich in knowledge and rich enough to meet all my daily needs.Many years ago, I already understood that it is enough to eat your fill once a day, and that you will not take anything with you to the grave.
I try to think of money not as something that should be accumulated in a bank account, but as a way to set something in motion and achieve my goals.And I have indeed managed to launch many projects, but looking at the future and the challenges ahead, I am still too poor to use and implement all the scientific opportunities that open up before us and support many projects in order to achieve real improvements in the life of everything as a result.humanity.
What is your opinion on the current situation in the energy sector?
Schubart. I believe that the current situation is caused by two structural problems. The first of these is that more and more energy resources are required for the growth of the global economy. Second, there is currently little that governments can do to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy sources. I would like to emphasize that not a single country, including Russia, will be able to stay away from the “climate agenda”, a new economic era is coming, where the owners of clean energy technologies will have priority in development. I would like to note with satisfaction that we have a very strong partner in Russia who shares our vision of energy development in the 21st century. I am sure that our project will receive a powerful impetus for development in Russia.
Do you want to give advice or parting words to our readers ...
Schubart. I really do not want to lecture or dictate to anyone how to live correctly, but I urge everyone to think about the important role geopolitical conflicts play for humanity, leading to political instability.In reality, they can be avoided if we do not have to divide and fight for the remaining fossil fuel resources, because inexhaustible energy is present around us and there is enough of it for everyone.
Author: Rumyantsev L.K., Ph.D.