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Holger Thorsten Schubart: "Our developments are for energy without conflicts and sanctions"

The possession of key technologies is a priority of the economic policy of any state.Self-isolation is not the way for Russia to develop, as the top leaders of our country have repeatedly repeated.

Vladimir Putin at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum in June 2022 stressed: "Openness, reliance on entrepreneurial freedoms, a balanced macroeconomic policy and social justice should become the principles of Russia's new economic policy."

“Russia must master everything that is most progressive and advanced. In the modern world, scientists from different countries should interact with each other to achieve a joint result. Science and technological progress should not be limited by political barriers and sanctions when they work for the benefit of all mankind. Life is too fleeting to spend it in conflicts and contradictions, and trying to do everything on your own often leads to a negative result and the country lags behind in technological development,” says Mr. Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of the Neutrino Energy Group. The rapid development of this company, which brought together scientists and engineers from more than 20 nationalities, over the past 3 years proves the correctness of such a development strategy. Close economic and personal ties with Switzerland, Russia and India, even in such a short period of time, gave a convincing result, as they made it possible to quickly go from laboratory research of the power generation technology created by Neutrinovoltaic to its industrial implementation. Already in 2023, the Swiss partner of the company will begin licensed production of Neutrino Power Cubes power sources with a capacity of 5-10 kW. This is an undoubted success of the project, especially considering the difficult situation in the energy sector both in the EU and in Switzerland.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, President, Neutrino Energy Group
Holger Thorsten Schubart, President, Neutrino Energy Group

But the creation of Neutrino Power Cubes, despite the importance of their industrial production, is only one of the applications of Neutrinovoltaic technology. Currently, one of the world's leading centers in the field of materials science C-MET (India), under a cooperation agreement with Neutrino Energy Group and with the financial support of the Government of India, is working on creating a case for Pi - an electric vehicle. The Pi concept can be described as a revolution in the field of electromobility, since it is based on the creation of an electric vehicle with placed in its body, created from metamaterials, points for collecting energy from the environment. With such a scheme, only a small battery is required to stabilize the output power. Such a power supply scheme can drastically reduce the size of the battery, which means its cost and, as a result, the cost of an electric vehicle. During operation, the current generated by the neutrino source is used to create traction force and charge the battery, which is mainly used only to cover peak loads. Tests of the first experimental case for the Pi electric vehicle inspire optimism, confidence in the correctness of the chosen concept and the prospects of the ongoing work, although in practice it will take at least 5 more years to complete all the research work.

India's operations manager, Dr. Bharat Bhanudas Kale, appreciates the need for such Pi-electric vehicles.Their production will allow India to make a huge leap in the country's technological development, reduce gas pollution in multimillion-dollar megacities and at the same time reduce the country's need for fossil fuel supplies.

It should be noted that Russian business has also joined the Neutrinovoltaic technology implementation project.Together with Neutrino Energy Group, a joint venture Progressus Neutrino was established in Russia to produce Neutrino Power Cubes and other range of energy sources using Neutrinovoltaic technology.As Holger Thorsten Schubart stated: “Despite the international crisis, Neutrino Energy Group is interested in industrial production of various product ranges using Neutrinovoltaic technology in Russia”

Objectively, this will allow the Russian industry to produce high-tech products of strategic importance for the development of Russia, as well as organize supplies to third countries.

What is Neutrinovoltaic Power Generation Technology?

This is a technology for obtaining electric current and voltage of given parameters. The technology is based on a multilayer nanomaterial consisting of alternating layers of graphene and doped silicon deposited on one side of a thin metal foil. This nanomaterial allows you to convert various ambient radiation of the invisible spectrum, including neutrinos, as well as the thermal Brownian motion of graphene atoms into an electric current. The side of the foil with the deposited nanomaterial has a positive pole, and the other side of the foil has a negative pole.

The know-how of the invention is the creation of an innovative superhard nanomaterial. Based on these conditions, power generation occurs around the clock, day and night, since the strength of the generated current is proportional to the influencing radiation and temperature, which are relatively stable and give reason to talk about a guaranteed source of power generation operating in the base mode. The most important indicator, which is extremely important for widespread implementation, is the overall dimensions of current sources. Unlike solar panels, where the surface on which sunlight falls, neutrino energy plates can be placed one above the other, like a stack of writing paper, the effect of radiation on the upper energy plate will be the same as on the bottom plate, which ensures compact dimensions source of energy.

I would like to believe that even our generation will be able to get energy without burning fossil fuels, and the invention of a team of scientists led by Holger Thorsten Schubart opens the way to a new CO2 - neutral and climate-friendly energy.


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