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How a patent for alternative energy technology became the basis for international cooperation

Patent No. EP3265850A1 - an innovation with unexpected potential for international partnerships.

The EU countries are one of the main and solvent trading partners of Russia, which is explained by their close proximity. At the same time, there are very tough political differences between Russia and the EU that stand in the way of a closer development of trade and humanitarian ties.

Such a priority sector of the economy as energy has been drawn into the epicenter of political confrontation. The determination of European countries to abandon the use of fossil fuels for the needs of electricity generation and transport is due, of course, not only to environmental reasons associated with global warming, but also to deep political differences.

The rapid development of alternative energy, which primarily refers to solar energy and wind generation, voluntarily or not, leads to a reduction in the supply of fossil fuels to the EU, and hence to a decrease in energy dependence on Russia. This trend directly affects the interests of the Russian energy sector, since when importing raw materials and goods to the EU, customs duties will directly depend on the amount of carbon emissions generated in the production of such products. Importers will be forced to enter into contracts with energy companies for the supply of "green" electricity, the production of which is not associated with the combustion of fossil fuels, or consider creating a system of their own "green" power generation. For example, Novatek, one of the largest energy companies, has launched the first industrial project in Russia to generate electricity from hydrogen. As part of the plan to reduce CO2 emissions, the company is upgrading one of eight Siemens SGT-800 gas turbines at the power plant that supplies the Yamal LNG liquefaction plant. The EU countries are one of the main and solvent trading partners of Russia, which is explained by their close proximity. At the same time, there are very tough political differences between Russia and the EU that stand in the way of a closer development of trade and humanitarian ties. Such a priority sector of the economy as energy has been drawn into the epicenter of political confrontation. The determination of European countries to abandon the use of fossil fuels for the needs of electricity generation and transport is due, of course, not only to environmental reasons associated with global warming, but also to deep political differences. The rapid development of alternative energy, which primarily refers to solar energy and wind generation, voluntarily or not, leads to a reduction in the supply of fossil fuels to the EU, and hence to a decrease in energy dependence on Russia. This trend directly affects the interests of the Russian energy sector, since when importing raw materials and goods to the EU, customs duties will directly depend on the amount of carbon emissions generated in the production of such products. Importers will be forced to enter into contracts with energy companies for the supply of "green" electricity, the production of which is not associated with the combustion of fossil fuels, or consider creating a system of their own "green" power generation. For example, Novatek, one of the largest energy companies, has launched the first industrial project in Russia to generate electricity from hydrogen. As part of its plan to reduce CO2 emissions, the company is upgrading one of eight Siemens SGT-800 gas turbines at the power plant that supplies the Yamal LNG liquefaction plant.

Solar energy and wind generation do not have wide prospects in Russia due to the special climatic conditions, and only some insignificant territories of Russia have the potential for the introduction of alternative energy, primarily due to its dependence on weather conditions. Therefore, Russian business and the Russian Government are extremely interested in the development of any alternative energy technologies that are not related to fossil fuels, striving already now to make strategic plans for the development of the energy sector.

As a supplier of traditional energy sources to the world market, Russia simultaneously takes into account the desire of Europe and other developed countries to decarbonize the economy and is also preparing in the future for the production of energy using new technologies, incl. hydrogen, but not only hydrogen: modern hydrogen technologies are very expensive in terms of production costs and are uncompetitive in the market.

But not only the above alternative technologies of power generation should be taken into account when building an energy development strategy, progress does not stand still, and science offers new technologies. Thus, scientists of the international company Neutrino Deutschland GmbH, which is part of the international Neutrino Energy Group, are actively developing their own Neutrinovoltaic technology for generating electricity by converting the energy of radiation fields, including neutrinos. Technology priority is protected by patent applications no. EP3265850A1. The company has now acquired production sites in Germany and is working to expand production sites in other countries to commercialize Neutrino Power Cubes for private power supply.

Meanwhile, Holger Thorsten Schubart, president of Neutrino Energy Group and CEO of Neutrino Deutschland GmbH, explains that the technology developed by Neutrinovoltaic makes it possible to produce energy sources with enough power to power industrial plants.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of Neutrino Energy Group and CEO of Neutrino Deutschland GmbH
Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of Neutrino Energy Group and CEO of Neutrino Deutschland GmbH

As with photovoltaics, enough modules simply need to be connected to each other to achieve the required power. However, the decisive advantage is the fact that, compared to photovoltaic, Neutrinovoltaic also works at night, i.e. in total darkness.

The transformation of the energy of the surrounding radiation fields, including cosmic neutrinos, became possible due to the creation of a multilayer composite material consisting of alternating layers of graphene and silicon (from 10 to 20 layers of silicon-graphene) with the addition of alloying elements, dense enough to provide the necessary interaction with neutrinos and other particles of the invisible radiation spectrum for efficient conversion of the energy of the surrounding radiation fields into electric current. The preferred total coating thickness is from 0.01 mm to 1 mm according to patent no. nm, since it is with this combination that the efficiency of energy conversion increases.

The basis of the nanomaterial is graphene, which, being a 2D material, exhibits the properties of a 3D material, i.e. Graphene atoms are in oscillatory motion in 3D coordinates. The stronger the impact of radiation fields, the stronger the vibrations of graphene atoms. As a result of such an impact, a wave arises in graphene, similar to waves on the surface of the sea, arising from a combination of small spontaneous movements and leading to the appearance of larger spontaneous movements. The displacement of one atom, summing up with the displacements of other atoms, causes the appearance of surface waves with horizontal polarization, known in acoustics as "Love waves". Due to the peculiarities of the graphene crystal lattice, its atoms vibrate as if in tandem, which distinguishes such movements from the spontaneous movements of molecules in liquids. Taking into account the fact that the vibrations of graphene atoms, for example, are 100 times stronger than the vibrations of silicon atoms, the superposition of the frequency of external action of radiation fields, including the effect of neutrinos, on the internal frequency of vibrations of "graphene waves" enhances such vibrations and leads to a resonance of atomic vibrations. Atomic oscillations at resonance make it possible to multiply the recoil of electrons upon contact with doped silicon. The side of the metal foil coated with the nanomaterial becomes the positive pole, while the uncoated side becomes the negative pole.

Patent No. EP3265850A1 details all possible materials and alloying elements that can be used to obtain the effect of converting the kinetic energy of particles of radiation fields into electricity. A number of scientists around the world are now investigating this phenomenon and are already experimentally reconstructing cells based on information from publications.

Some countries have already acquired licenses for the licensed production of Neutrino Power Cubes, including Russia. The St. Tikhon Charitable Foundation became a partner in Russia. The choice of a Partner for organizing licensed production with 100% localization in Russia is not accidental, as it meets a number of requirements: the absence of any connection with the Russian energy sector due to the possibility of a conflict of interest, the availability of competencies and the ability to attract billions of dollars of investment funds to organize production . In the process of lengthy negotiations, the parties came to the conclusion that their plans for joint activities in Russia fully coincide. A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed, and as a next step, the Progressus Neutrino joint venture is registered in Russia to implement license agreements for the implementation of Neutrinovoltaic technology and the production of a complete range of Neutrinovoltaic energy cells.

Shishkin S.V., Chairman of the Board of Directors, Progressus Neutrino
Shishkin S.V., Chairman of the Board of Directors, Progressus Neutrino

A representative office of Neutrino Deutschland GmbH, headed by N.D. Karelina, is registered and operates in Moscow. Sergei Vladimirovich Shishkin, Chairman of the Board of the St. Tikhon Foundation, emphasizes: “The investment agreement concluded with Neutrino Energy Group is a strategically important fundamental document in the development of long-term equal partnerships between the parties, and is also an integral part of the overall strategy for the development of the economy and industry of the Russian Federation.”

Holger Thorsten Schubart highly appreciates the achievements of Russian science and hopes to involve Russian scientists in further research of Neutrinovoltaic technology to provide power supply to various electrical appliances and equipment.

To this end, cooperation has already been established with the Moscow Center for Laser Technologies (MCLT - a scientific and engineering center that accumulates the latest achievements in the field of laser technology and technology, created with the cooperation of the Department of Laser Technologies in Mechanical Engineering of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman and with the support of of the Government of Moscow) headed by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Grigoryants A.G. MCLT was created on the basis of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The study by students of Neutrinovoltaic technology according to patent No. EP3265850A1 is included in the educational process, an expert Council has been created, represented by the best scientists of the University. The study of this new technology beyond the scope of the research process demonstrates its particular importance for the national interest. This year, universities are already starting to introduce students to this topic as part of the curriculum in accordance with the new technical knowledge disclosed in the patent.

The shareholders of Progressus Neutrino JV and scientists of the international team are confident that with the start of industrial production of Neutrinovoltaic products and the creation of a decentralized system for generating electricity without greenhouse gas emissions in Russia and other countries, the project will attract even more strategic partners in all countries of the world in the coming years. “Technical advances in neutrinovoltaics and recent discoveries in neutrino physics present the world with a unique chance to avoid many of the geopolitical conflicts that arise due to the struggle for energy resources, due to a more equitable distribution of energy without dependence on fossil fuels. In addition, it is politicians who should try to understand the world as a whole, as well as respect the interests and ambitions of each other, because not everything that is good and right for us should automatically be right for others. Unfortunately, apart from appealing to politicians, I personally have few opportunities left, let rationality and insight enlighten the minds of those responsible for today's situation.

We, Neutrino Energy Group, an international alliance of companies and scientists, and I, as a cosmopolitan and its President, will steadily, despite all attempts at agitation, continue together with our Russian friends and partners to carry out our great mission and thereby contribute to the preservation of peace!” , Holger Thorsten Schubart is convinced.


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