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Neutrinovoltaic – технология трансформации энергетики и транспорта ближайшего десятилетия

A new round of technological development of mankind exacerbates the already complicated geopolitical relations between the leading world powers. In order to slow down the technological development of competitors, both economic and political sanctions and prohibitions are introduced, accompanied by counter-sanctions and embargoes from the opposite side. The aggravated confrontation is connected, first of all, with attempts to consolidate their own superiority in high-tech areas of the economy, since an economy based on the production of high-tech products brings much more profit than one built on the supply of raw materials.

A striking example of high-tech industrial development is Japan, which, having no mineral reserves, is one of the strongest economies in the world. China has turned from a world factory into an aggressive technological monster, nurtured by the business of highly developed countries, which themselves transferred their production to China. Chinese business not only adopted the technologies of located production, but, copying all the most advanced, using the state machine for obtaining advanced breakthrough technologies from Western countries (including Russian military developments), made a qualitative leap in economic and geopolitical development. Given the size of the country, the population and the policy pursued by the leadership, China has become not only a world factory for the production of goods, but also a serious competitor in both high-tech areas of the economy and in the military industry. The genie is out of the bottle and can't be driven back, especially since the US is already heavily indebted to China. Of course, the closure of the markets of highly developed Western countries for Chinese high-tech products is a deterrent to the development of Chinese global companies, but this is unlikely to change the vector of China's development.

With regret, we have to state that Russia is far behind in the development of high-tech industries, perhaps with the exception of military developments and individual civilian developments. The reason lies, undoubtedly, in the difficult economic situation of the country at the end of the 90s, when tens of thousands of highly educated scientific personnel left the profession, however, the personnel policy of the country's leadership in appointing people to senior positions in a corporation with state participation of people on the grounds of personal devotion plays its own role. destructive role. Are there really no professionals in the country, not precocious "successful managers", but professionals - of course, there are such! But doesn't the problem lie in the fact that our industry and research and development organizations are mainly engaged only in the modernization of what was done during the Soviet Union? In Russia, a system has developed where not only fundamental science, but also applied science is financed mainly at the expense of budget funds or funds from state corporations, where the most important thing is to correctly report on the funds spent, and the implementation of the results of the work remains not even in second place.

Perhaps that is why Russian business structures practically do not invest in Russian applied science, preferring to invest in securities of foreign companies, where the result plays a decisive role in the success of the business?In this aspect, it is necessary to emphasize separately - trading securities on the stock exchange is one thing, the situation is completely different with the financing of specific innovative technologies, and with the introduction of the latest developments in Russia.

Electricity generation and transport are the foundation of any state, and for Russia with its vast territories, settlements scattered over long distances from each other, and low wages, the introduction of reliable and cheap sources of electricity, as well as vehicles with minimal operating costs, independent of the availability of fuel infrastructure is an extremely important task, since Russia is in dire need of fixing the population in rural areas, although the authorities willingly and unwittingly facilitate the movement of people to Moscow, creating privileged conditions for Muscovites in terms of wages, social benefits and housing conditions compared to provincial Russia .

It is no coincidence that international developments in the field of power generation enjoy increased attention from investors around the world and find more and more serious financial support due to its special significance.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, CEO of Neutrino Deutschland GmbH and President of the international holding NEUTRINO Energy Group
Holger Thorsten Schubart, CEO of Neutrino Deutschland GmbH and President of the international holding NEUTRINO Energy Group

As an example, we can especially note the financing of work on bringing to the market Neutrinovoltaic technology for producing direct electric current under the influence of neutrinos and other radiation fields on a nanomaterial created by Neutrino Energy Group.In serious scientific circles, the fact that graphene is able to "collect" electricity from the surrounding space is considered indisputably proven.This fact has been repeatedly verified and proven by various scientific centers around the world, such as the University of Manchester.

Neutrinovoltaic technology, developed by the project manager and at the same time the President of the Neutrino Energy Group Holger Schubart and the company's scientists, as in the case of the recently discovered three-layer graphene superconducting material, is based on the use of ultra-thin layers of graphene to create resonance from transmitted radiation of artificial and natural origin, including cosmic neutrino, and converting this kinetic energy into electric current. To achieve the desired effect, several layers of graphene and doped silicon are applied to a metal foil substrate. When radiation interacts with a combination of silicon and graphene layers, a harmonic resonance process begins, which is then recorded by an electric converter. The coated side of the metal carrier is the positive pole, while the uncoated side is the negative pole. Multilayer coating allows you to get more energy per unit area, which is extremely important for the creation of industrial power generating products. This makes it possible to manufacture compact current sources of various power characteristics and sizes, which allows them to be placed inside the cases of almost all devices that require power supply. Several sheets of foil coated with an innovative nanomaterial, placed one above the other like a pack of writing paper, and therefore connected in series, make up an energy cell. When varying the connection of several energy cells, a direct current source of the required overall dimensions and power characteristics is created. The DC power source is the size of a diplomat and has an output power of 4.5 to 5.5 kWh. Such compact overall characteristics make it possible to create autonomous power sources for power supply, including individual houses and electric vehicles, while there are no rotating parts, zero operating costs.

This technology not only allows you to create reliable autonomous sources of energy supply - when they are massively introduced into our daily lives, Neutrinovltaic technology will give humanity on a global scale a new environmentally friendly source of inexpensive and safe energy and save us from the dictates of not only resource supply companies, but also oil and gas corporations. And this is not just another round of technological progress, but a revolution in the traditional energy supply system, which will determine both the further economic development of our society and the ecological health of our Planet.


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