New energy technology to achieve independence from fossil fuels
To get the possibility of independence from resource-supplying organizations is the desire of many energy consumers. However, power supply and power generation are conservative industries, where innovations and changes are far from dynamic processes, which, in fact, is easily explained, since the payback of multibillion-dollar investments in energy facilities is designed for a long period. Perhaps this explains the fact that companies that have invested significant funds are not interested, firstly, in the emergence of any new technologies in the field of power generation, and, secondly, the already built capacities must reach their full service life or the state should compensate the company for economic losses.

Any new progressive technologies of power generation require time for implementation and decades for widespread implementation. The flow of sanctions imposed by the United States and Western countries, related to the operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine and the recognition of two republics by Russia, practically does not affect the topic of energy supplies for export from Russia. However, there is no doubt that the US, the EU and their allies will invest heavily in order to switch to energy without fossil fuels. Alternative power generation technologies that are entering the home stretch or are close to implementation now will determine the shape of the power supply in 30 years.
For scientists working in the field of alternative energy, the idea of generating electricity under the influence of radiation fields has always been especially promising. Science and industry have long mastered the technology of generating electricity from sunlight, the cost of producing solar panels has fallen significantly, and their efficiency has increased. It would seem that a solution has finally been found that should place all the accents, however, the experience of recent years shows that it is reckless and short-sighted to rely on solar and wind power generation in the future power supply system without developing energy storage systems. Today, solar and wind power generation can only play a supporting role in the overall balance of power generation. And even their relatively small share in the total volume requires complex management due to the instability of production. Currently, about 80% of the world's primary energy comes from fossil fuels, the combustion of which leads to the release of about 34 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to objectively admit that even a small contribution of these types of alternative power generation reduces the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and, to some extent, slows down the rise in the average annual temperature, although some scientists are sure that human activity has practically no effect on global warming.
Currently, the EU is counting on the rapid introduction of Neutrinovoltaic power generation technology developed by the German company Neutrino Deutschland GmbH, which allows you to convert the energy of neutrinos and surrounding radiation fields into electricity, although the widespread introduction of Neutrinovoltaic power generation, which can take a significant share in the total power generation of the same Germany , will require more than a dozen years.
Why is it attractive to obtain electricity from neutrinos?
The neutrino flux is stable day and night, does not depend on weather conditions and external factors, and is about 60 billion particles per second through 1 cm2 of the earth's surface. The super-penetrating ability of neutrinos ensures the stability of such a flux, which does not depend on the time of day. But, if neutrinos have super-penetrating ability, then how can you get energy from them? If neutrinos easily "flash" the Earth without encountering obstacles, then how can you create a device that generates electricity from interaction with them? In solving this problem, scientists came to the aid of graphene.
New material graphene opens up new possibilities in power generation
For the first time, more than 15 years ago, the mathematician Holger Thorsten Schubart, who is now the CEO of Neutrino Deutschland GmbH and the president of the international holding NEUTRINO Energy Group, which develops and implements Neutrinovoltaic technology based on the use of graphene in the process of power generation, stated the possibility of obtaining electricity when exposed to graphene more than 15 years ago. To make such a bold statement fifteen years ago was to incur the entire wrath of the scientific world, since It was considered an indisputable truth that the neutrino has no mass. Even a visual demonstration of experience did not convince opponents. Arguments were cited as counterarguments that this was the effect of various pickups.

To be fair, Holger Thorsten Schubart never claimed that neutrinos alone cause current in an electrical circuit. He noted that there is a complex effect on the electrically generating material from not only cosmic neutrinos, but also from other radiation fields. Serious help in arguing and substantiating scientific data came from the Nobel Committee, which in 2015 awarded the Physics Prize for proving the existence of a neutrino mass, which allowed Holger Thorsten Schubart to use a disarming argument in discussions with opponents - “if there is mass, then there is energy” . A more difficult task was to create a material that can perceive the impact of neutrinos and produce an electric current at the output. Neutrino Deutschland GmbH scientists have tested tens of thousands of options for using various materials and alloying elements to them.
As a result of many years of research, the bet was made on graphene, which, as it turned out, and now this is confirmed by various published materials (for example, researchers from Columbia University Jeffrey Kaisar and James Hawn), has superhardness, electrical and thermal conductivity. The crystal lattice of graphene has the property of increased atomic vibrations, with this feature, vibrations are possible only in the form of graphene waves. Given these data, a team of scientists from Neutrino Deutschland GmbH led by Holger Thorsten Schubart concluded that the oscillatory system of graphene waves is very sensitive to the effects of thermal and various ambient radiation fields, including the effects of neutrinos. This action leads to the resonance of graphene atomic vibrations, which is removed in the form of a direct current from the metal foil, on which the nanomaterial is deposited. The combination of graphene and doped silicon layers made it possible to obtain a multilayer nanomaterial, which makes it possible to create compact DC sources of various overall dimensions and output power characteristics.
Currently, equipment for an automatic line has been developed and is being manufactured to create a multilayer electrically generating material, which will make it possible to bring direct current sources to the market for household power supply as early as 2022.
An international team of scientists from Russia, India, Europe, who are united by scientific interests and the desire to implement an ambitious and necessary project for humanity, works regardless of political processes, maintaining neutrality in the name of science and technological progress.
Neutrinovoltaic power sources will allow in the coming years to count on autonomy and independence from resource supplying organizations, on an unconditional breakthrough in power supply without burning fossil fuels and will make an important contribution to improving the environmental situation on the planet. “Fossil fuels and disputes over them are still the main cause of geopolitical conflicts around the world, so the project implemented by Neutrino Deutschland GmbH is able to reduce geopolitical contradictions in the world and bring sustainable peace,” says Holger Thorsten Schubart.