New names in energy. Holger Thorsten Schubart - "We use neutrinos for power generation"
The role of the manager in the activities of any company, whether public or private, is decisive, especially in the rapidly changing world of business, when today's success in a short period of time under the influence of market conditions can change to the opposite, up to bankruptcy.
Achieving success, building a successful business is a complex and complex topic, where there are no ready-made recipes for success.That is why people who have achieved everything in life on their own, with their own diligence, intelligence and knowledge, are of great interest and respect.Such people are real diamonds, who not only built a brilliant career and achieved great professional success, but also help their colleagues to grow professionally.In science, this is called the creation of a scientific school, and in business it can be called the creation of a business school.
I have always been interested in understanding the psychology of business leaders who built a business from scratch on their own, without the help of influential relatives and without participating in dubious transactions.There are very few such people, I am especially glad to get acquainted with one of them.

I was introduced to the president of Neutrino Energy Group Holger Thorsten Schubart in 2015. Knowing that I am a power engineer by education, he spoke about the creation of a nanomaterial capable of converting the thermal Brownian motion of atoms and the kinetic energy of particles of the surrounding fields of invisible spectrum radiation into electric current. The development seemed interesting to me, but in those years, energy prices were low, the international situation was not so tense, although various environmental movements persistently called for the abandonment of fossil fuels. And there were an incredible amount of various developments for obtaining the so-called “free energy” on the Internet, and I have not seen information that any of them showed serious development and reached the introduction or industrial production.
To abandon the simple process of making money, which he did quite successfully, to direct all his financial resources (and until 2019, he financed all research and laboratory work exclusively at his own expense) to this hopeless, insane idea, as it seemed to me at the time, only an absolutely reckless person could.
Now I am ready to apologize for the skepticism towards his invention.Perhaps this is the difference between me and him, that I looked at the situation in the energy sector based on the current market situation, and he knows how to look decades ahead.
Seven years is a very short period, but the need for alternative technologies for generating electricity has come to the fore in the energy policy of developed and in the vast majority of developing countries.
The idea of obtaining electrical energy under the influence of cosmic neutrinos arose in the early 2000s, when researchers, in the process of working with materials to increase the efficiency of solar cells, encountered a previously unobserved phenomenon of increasing atomic vibrations of the material under study. This accidentally discovered effect served as the starting point for many years of painstaking research by Holger Thorsten Schubart and his international team of scientists. Fortunately, for the Neutrino Energy Group, those hard times are already behind us, when at scientific symposiums and in the press we had to desperately prove to the scientific world the functionality of the Neutrinovoltaic technology, which is based on the creation of a revolutionary superhard material with increased vibrations of graphene atoms, and that, along with with the thermal Brownian motion of graphene atoms, neutrinos, acting on this material, cause additional microvibrations, translating the vibrations of graphene atoms into resonance, which is removed in the form of direct current from a metal foil coated with a spray of the created composite superhard material.
Holger Schubart did not lose optimism; in the second stage, not only his own capital was already invested in the project, but also the funds of astute investors.His unshakable confidence and desperate composure produced results that are now considered among the most revolutionary discoveries of the 21st century.Step by step, through countless experiments, tests and proofs, proof after proof, the arguments of the opponents were gradually refuted.
Two key moments allowed him to defeat his opponents and prove the efficiency of Neutrinovoltaic technology:
First, in 2015, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for proving that neutrinos have mass.And if there is mass, then there is energy that can be converted into electricity.This is a purely physical postulate.But what material will solve this daunting task?
The second invincible ally is graphene.
It is the properties of graphene, for the discovery of which the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 2010, that made it possible to create a composite nanomaterial that solved the most difficult problem that the best minds of mankind had long struggled with.

A scientific group led by Holger Thorsten Schubart has created a truly revolutionary superhard multilayer nanomaterial with increased atomic vibrations. The inclusion of graphene layers in the composition of the nanomaterial ensured its sensitivity to the effects of thermal, electromagnetic and other ambient radiation of the invisible spectrum. Due to the peculiarities of the crystal lattice, "graphene waves" appear on the surface of graphene. It is this property of graphene that made it possible to create a highly sensitive multilayer material from alternating layers of graphene and doped silicon. Any ambient radiation, including the kinetic energy of neutrino particles, which, having mass, hit the core of graphene atoms, are superimposed on the internal vibration frequency of graphene atoms caused by thermal Brownian motion, affect their frequency and vibration amplitude, causing a resonance of atomic vibrations. The presence of layers of doped silicon, placed between layers of high-purity graphene, as a result of the effect of "oblique scattering" causes a directed movement of electrons. The overall effect is what physicists call "oblique scattering" - a process where clouds of electrons deflect their motion in one direction.
Neutrinovoltaic DC power sources are very compact, making it possible to manufacture Neutrino Power Cubes for powering homes, as well as inside electrical appliance cases and even inside electric car cases.”Licensed commercial production of Neutrino Power Cubes for home power supply will begin production in Switzerland as early as 2023.
The value of the invention also lies in the fact that the Neutrinovoltaic technology uses widespread and inexpensive materials, so the cost of the generated electricity will be competitive compared to other existing types of power generation.
The most significant task currently being worked on by a team of scientists led by Holger Thorsten Schubart, together with Indian partners, is the adaptation and installation of Neutrinovoltaic current sources on electric vehicles.This technological solution will completely stop all discussions about the vector of development of motor transport, since it implies independence from charging stations, zero CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, true freedom of movement and no fuel costs for consumers - isn't this the dream of any motorist?
Even if we consider such a relatively narrow application of Neutrinovoltaic technology, the name of Holger Thorsten Schubart will be marked in history forever, although the flight of fancy in the field of application of the technology is unlimited and promises to give a tremendous positive impetus to the development of mankind, preserving the health of the Planet for future generations for many years to come.
“To the madness of the brave we sing a song! We sing glory to the madness of the brave!” Quote from The Song of the Falcon (1898) by Maxim Gorky.
Author: Rumyantsev L.K., Ph.D.