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On the transformation of energy based on graphene resonators - in an interview with Holger Thorsten Schubart

The strategy of technological development of our country should be based not only on domestic scientific resources, but also on mutually beneficial cooperation with the world's leading scientific and technological centers. Only such an approach can ensure the most effective result. It is especially important for Russia to establish such cooperation in those areas that directly affect the quality of life of the population.

Energy is the basis for the development of all industries. In the modern world, the energy industry is undergoing a transformation aimed at introducing fuel-free technologies for the production of electricity. Therefore, the desire of foreign companies that develop advanced and breakthrough technologies in this area to interact with Russian colleagues and Russian industry is of particular value, especially in the current conditions.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, президент группы компаний Neutrino Energy
Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of the Neutrino Energy Group

One of the world's leading technology centers in the field of carbon-free energy is the Neutrino Energy Group. The company's president, Holger Thorsten Schubart, kindly agreed to answer a few questions about the development of this field.

Why do you think Russia, which has large hydrocarbon reserves, should be interested in the development and widespread implementation of technologies that do not require fuel to generate electricity?

Holger Thorsten Schubart: The energy of invisible spectrum radiation particles is much greater than the reserves of all hydrocarbons in the world. Unlike hydrocarbons, radiation particles do not require preliminary processing, they do not need to be transported over long distances, which poses a threat to the environment, and their conversion does not require labor-intensive combustion, accompanied by large emissions into the atmosphere. The advantage of decentralized, autonomous energy sources is obvious. Today, we are technically capable of converting the energy of radiation fields at any time and in any place. Of course, we have an energy supply system that has been formed over the course of a century and has allowed the world to significantly advance in its development. This system will continue to function for many decades to come, but it will gradually be supplemented and eventually replaced by new technologies that eliminate the shortcomings of the previous ones, opening the door to a new era.

What do you think are the competitive advantages of the graphene power generation technology developed by your company compared to traditional methods such as nuclear, solar and wind energy in the context of Russia?

Holger Thorsten Schubart: First of all, about the shortcomings. It must be acknowledged that we are at the very beginning of the journey. On the other hand, our technology is an innovative breakthrough. We do not aim to replace the existing system overnight, although I am convinced that this will happen in a few decades. The advantage of our technology is that sufficient energy is available around the clock, even in the most remote corners. Critics who think that this is too little are thinking in terms of large central power plants. As a mathematician, I would like to give a simple example. 200,000 fuel-free graphene generators with a capacity of 5-6 kW correspond to 1000-1200 MW, which is equivalent to the power of a VVER-1000/1200 nuclear unit. And we don’t need cables or transport. We have no waste, no safety risk, and this mathematical equation can be applied to any other central power station. Let’s think about it this way: with each new graphene BTG that comes to market, less and less energy is required from the grid.

Do you think that solar panels and wind turbines are an intermediate step on the way to fuel-free energy?

Holger Thorsten Schubart: Yes, these wonderful technologies show the incredible ingenuity and resourcefulness of the people who developed them 30-50 years ago. Considering how long it took to develop them, one can only admire them. However, as we develop, we are beginning to realize all the shortcomings of these technologies. If there is no sun, there is no electricity, and if there is no wind, there is no electricity. However, these approaches have proven to be truly fantastic. Solar energy will develop rapidly in the next few years, as the performance of the modules will increase significantly. In combination with our technology, you can truly create fully autonomous systems.

How beneficial can consumers benefit from switching to electricity from Neutrino Power Cubes - devices based on Neutrinovoltaic technology - compared to central power supply?

Holger Thorsten Schubart: I would like to ask a counter question: what is the advantage of a mobile phone compared to a 30-year-old phone that was connected to the network via a cable and had a rotary dial? Many representatives of the younger generation do not even know about these devices. Our technology represents a fundamentally new approach to energy use. I am convinced that this product will bring significant benefits to humanity. However, I will leave it to the critics to list all its advantages.

Are you interested in building a plant in Russia to produce graphene fuel-free electric power sources in Russia? If so, is it possible to build such a plant with 100% localization or will some components have to be imported from abroad?

Holger Thorsten Schubart: I believe that in principle it is possible to build a Neutrino Power Cube with 100% localization. However, the question arises: does this make sense? Most of the components of the Neutrino Power Cube are already existing electronic components available on the market. There are already specialists in Asia who produce these components in large volumes, while ensuring high quality and competitive prices. In the next few years, specialists will also appear in other special areas, for example, in the application of two-dimensional wave plasma coatings in a high vacuum on large-area metal foils. These enterprises will be able to provide high quality and large volumes at competitive prices. Ultimately, all of these components will be combined, and many industries will be involved in the process. However, in any case, the investor himself decides how to proceed: to build a plant in Russia with 100% localization or to join the system of supplying components from different countries that we are creating and to organize an assembly plant in Russia with partial localization.

How realistic and economically feasible is it to develop and produce electric cars and abandon cars with internal combustion engines?

Holger Thorsten Schubart: This is one of my specialties. It only makes sense if the energy is not produced by burning fossil fuels. Otherwise, it would be more profitable to use an internal combustion engine, since its efficiency is much higher than if we first generate electricity by burning and then use it in an electric car. This is why we developed the Pi Car concept. We integrate our technology into the car body. Because we can work on many layers of nanomaterial, a small electric car will have an area of ​​​​thousands of square meters for converting the particle energy of surrounding radiation fields into electric current. With the help of mathematics and physics, we can use the collected energy to move it. For example, at an outside temperature of about 20°C, an electric car can accumulate enough energy in one hour to travel about 100 kilometers. This energy is stored in capacitors and batteries and can be used almost without time restrictions, especially in urban conditions.

How successful is Neutrino Energy Group in developing a fully autonomous Pi Car electric vehicle with an integrated graphene fuel-free power plant?

Holger Thorsten Schubart: What is success? I believe that the biggest step was made by developing the concept and providing scientific evidence of its technical feasibility. Because if you know what is possible, you can achieve it, even if I want to quote the following words of Goethe: “The difficulty increases as you approach the goal.”

How could the introduction of graphene fuel-free power generation in Russia contribute to technological development in line with the plans of the Russian leadership, expressed by President Vladimir Putin at the Future Technologies Forum 2025?

Holger Thorsten Schubart: I would say that a wise man looks far ahead. When we think about the future, we must consider not only years, but also decades. What we create today will serve the generations that come after us. If we get political support, the best scientists in the country come together and the necessary financial resources are concentrated in one place, then naturally the process will go faster. Since this will happen anyway, it is no longer a question of if, but when. I am grateful to politicians who are raising awareness and are open to new ideas.

Despite the sanctions, you have strengthened relations with business partners in Russia. Do you consider Russia a strategic partner?

Holger Thorsten Schubart: You know, I am a man of science, not a politician. I think like an ordinary person and a father. I believe that we should all use our opportunities for the good. Each country has its own unique characteristics. I have come to know and appreciate the qualities of Russian scientists, who play an important role in our future strategy. Cooperation and cohesion in the scientific field are an effective way to overcome conflicts. After all, the main task of humanity is to preserve our planet and our species.


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