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Radiation fields are one of the drivers for the development of alternative energy

The process of active replacement of hydrocarbons with alternative sources in the power generation and transport sector raises the question not only of the prospects for the development of energy in Russia in the next 30-40 years, but also of ways to fill the Russian budget in the coming decades.

Already in 20 years, oil may cease to be the main source of revenue for the state budget, and therefore the budget system of Russia must be prepared for the energy transition now, said the head of the Accounts Chamber, Alexei Kudrin, TASS reports. Earlier, he also expressed the opinion that by 2030, global demand for oil will begin to decline, and this trend will become noticeable in the late 2020s and early 2030s. Also, according to the forecasts of the head of the joint venture, by the 2040s, many countries should reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than half.

“Now a powerful, long-term, structural and pro-inflationary factor, which is called the energy transition, is beginning to operate. This is also pro-inflationary, because environmental technologies, which are not yet available to everyone, will be more expensive. Due to uncertainty, investments in traditional energy are less, it will also be more expensive. That is, this is all, in fact, the ESG factor - this will be such a lasting supply shock. Similar to what happened with oil prices in the 1970s,” said Elvira Nabiulina, head of the Bank of Russia, during a session at the Gaidar Forum dedicated to macroeconomic priorities.

Rumiantcev L.K., Ph.D., DeputyThe Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German-American holding Neutrino Energy Group expressed his opinion on Russia's path in the framework of the energy transition.

Rumiantcev L.K., Ph.D., Deputy Chairman of the scientific advisory board of the German-American holding Neutrino Energy Group
Rumiantcev L.K., Ph.D., Deputy Chairman of the scientific advisory board of the German-American holding Neutrino Energy Group

Do you think Russia will be forced to follow the European path of reforming the energy sector as part of the “energy transition” or will it look for its own special path?

Rumiantcev L.K. It is difficult to imagine a special way of reforming the energy sector. Nowadays, all the best that appears in one country or another is immediately taken into development in other countries. Business needs profit, so the most advanced and most effective is immediately implemented all over the world. If we are talking about the energy sector, then this is an extremely inertial industry, new technologies for power generation are being introduced for decades before they can really take a significant market share. In addition, Russia is in such climatic conditions that do not allow efficient use of solar energy and wind generation, if we are talking about them, with the exception of some small areas. If we talk about nuclear energy, then the share of generation of 21-23% in the total energy balance is probably the limit, because. nuclear power units operate in the basic mode. Theoretically, it is possible to build more nuclear power plants, and send the excess energy to electrolyzers for hydrogen production, but there are also technological issues regarding their productivity and the ability to accumulate large volumes of hydrogen, store it and logistics to the consumer of “green” hydrogen. I have not seen any calculations of the operation of such a circuit. In addition, I am not sure that Russian business or the state will finance the transition to hydrogen within Russia, because. we could not even switch to natural gas fuel, and the cost of switching to hydrogen will be many times higher.

The international concern Neutrino Energy Group is developing the Neutrinovoltaic technology for generating electricity from energy conversions of radiation fields, but will this technology become widespread in Russia?

Rumiantcev L.K. A small clarification - Neutrinovoltaic technology is not being developed, but it is completely ready, and Neutrino Energy Group, represented by the German branch of Neutrino Deutschland GmbH, is starting to organize the production of Neutrino Power Cubes current sources at two production sites in Germany.In addition, licenses for the production of energy sources using Neutrinovoltaic technology have been issued to a number of countries, of which our Swiss partners are closest to mass production.

Pi-Factory in Frankfurt an der Oder
Production (Pi-Factory) in Frankfurt an der Oder, photo by Robert Grahn

Regarding your question, the level of electricity prices in Russia is much lower than in European countries, but in Russia quite a lot of money is spent on heating, and when heating is transferred to electricity from Neutrino Power Cubes, the payback period will be significantly reduced and the purchase of such a source of electricitybecomes an economically justified purchase.The rise in energy prices will also inevitably occur in the future, as the head of the Bank of Russia said.

We expect that enterprises will also be interested in purchasing Neutrino Power Cubes, especially those working for export, because sooner or later a system similar to FSC certification for timber will be introduced.Export duties on the import of products to most solvent countries will directly depend on the type of electricity consumed, or you will have to pay for the purchase of carbon credits.

Therefore, we are organizing a joint venture Progressus Neutrino with our Russian partner to organize the production of Neutrino Power Cubes in Russia with 100% localization of production and the possibility of supplying products to third countries.

In the EU, at present, the level of electricity prices is already so high that an autonomous source of electricity Neutrino Power Cube will pay off in 3-4 years maximum.

What are the most important performance indicators of the Neutrino Power Cube that you would note?

For the consumer, the price of the energy received is primarily important.According to our calculations, it will be at least 50% cheaper than solar panels.The power source is very compact with no rotating parts, which means no running costs.Power generation is carried out 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and does not depend on weather conditions.

The source is a close-packed electrogenerating plate made of metal foil coated on one side with a multilayer nanomaterial of alternating layers of pure graphene and silicon with the addition of alloying elements. When radiation passes through this combination of silicon and graphene layers, a harmonic resonance process starts, which is then recorded by an electrical converter. The coated side of the metal carrier is the positive pole, and the uncoated side is the negative pole, which allows the power generating plates to be placed one above the other and pressed together to obtain a reliable serial connection. One A-4 power generating plate gives a voltage of 1.5 V and a current of 2 A, or a power of 3 W. Such characteristics of power generating plates make it possible to create Neutrinovoltaic current sources not only for private, but also for industrial use. I am sure that Neutrinovoltaic technology will become one of the main technologies for power generation, especially during the energy transition and in the conditions of the transition from fossil fuels.


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