The global crisis accelerates the process of introducing new technologies for alternative power gene
Structural changes in the existing system of international relations after the collapse of the USSR brought energy issues to the fore, and issues of ecology and global warming ceased to be a trend in press publications.

Fossil fuel importers in the current geopolitical environment are frantically looking for ways to accelerate the transition to alternative energy and the abandonment of fossil fuels, promising to allocate huge investments for the implementation of the energy transition. However, the choice of technologies for power generation without burning fossil fuels is quite limited, and each technology has critical drawbacks that currently do not allow abandoning fossil fuels. So, for example, nuclear power plants operate in the base mode and cannot cover peaks in electricity consumption, solar energy and wind generation depend on weather conditions and require large areas for placement, which, in conditions of high population density, forms a whole range of problems, since few people want to live in close proximity to wind turbines.
There are developments in the world that represent real chances for abandoning the use of fossil fuels in the future: for example, thermonuclear fusion, work on which has been going on for more than a decade, or Neutrinovoltaic technology for generating electricity under the influence of neutrinos and other radiation fields, developed by an international group of scientists from the company Neutrino Deutschland GmbH led by Holger Thorsten Schubart. If the timing of the introduction of thermonuclear fusion is difficult to predict, then the industrial production of Neutrino Energy Cube for power supply of the residential sector will begin within 2-3 years, and it is planned that industrial production will begin production of Neutrino Energy Cube in several countries at once: Switzerland, Germany and Russia, in parallel negotiations with business structures of other countries on the expansion of production capacities.
The uniqueness of Neutrinovoltaic technology lies in the fact that electricity is generated 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, day and night and does not depend on weather conditions, which makes it possible to abandon the centralized power supply system.The Neutrino Energy Cube has no mechanically rotating parts, reducing operating costs to near zero.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, CEO of Neutrino Deutschland GmbH and President of the international holding Neutrino Energy Group
The basis of the Neutrinovoltaic technology is a multilayer nanomaterial deposited on one side of a metal foil, which converts the energy of neutrino particles and surrounding radiation fields into electricity. The nanomaterial consists of alternating layers of graphene and silicon with the addition of alloying elements (patent EP3265850A1). The oscillations of graphene atoms under the influence of Brownian motion are amplified by the external influence of neutrinos, which, as proven, have mass, and the surrounding fields of radiation, which causes a resonance of oscillations of graphene atoms, which is removed in the form of a direct electric current. In 2019, information was published that scientists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) managed to determine the mass of neutrinos with unprecedented accuracy. Atomic oscillations at resonance make it possible to enhance the recoil of electrons upon contact with doped silicon. Graphene, being a 2D material, exhibits the properties of a 3D material. It is he who is the indicator that converts the energy of radiation fields, including the neutrino flux, into electric current.
Published data from studies of Neutrinovoltaic technology have shown that in a Faraday cage in a concrete bunker at a depth of 30 m underground, an output power of 2.5-3.0 watts was obtained from an A-4 plate. Under such conditions, the power depended only on 2 influencing factors: temperature and neutrinos. Tests of a similar plate in laboratory conditions, but without insulation in a Faraday cage, showed a stable generation power of 3.0 W, this fact allows us to state that the difference in the generated power is small or absent. Thus, these data suggest that temperature and neutrino flux are key factors influencing the generated power of electric current. Temperature tests at -40 0C compared to +26.2 0C showed a power reduction of approximately 25%. This gives grounds to assume that the contribution of the cosmic neutrino flux, which is 60 billion particles per second through 1 cm2 of the earth's surface, to the power of power generation, along with temperature, plays a significant role.
This conclusion is extremely important because it confirms that Neutrinovoltaic current sources, consisting of such electrogenerating plates, will be guaranteed to generate electricity even away from sources of artificial radiation fields, such as electrosmog, mobile communication towers, terahertz waves, etc.
The practical implementation of Neutrinovoltaic technology and its application for household power generation is a realistic and scientifically proven way to meet the growing needs of the population of the planet with clean and safe energy, while it is especially important to consider that today we are not talking about fantasy, but about an innovative discovery and newa decisive step in scientific and technological progress for the benefit of all mankind.