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The inexhaustible energy of radiation becomes a source of electricity

It is generally accepted that alternative energy refers mainly to solar energy and wind generation. Are there technologies that will make it possible, at least in the next 10 years, to switch to power generation based on new technological principles, since photovoltaic and wind energy are completely dependent on weather conditions and are not guaranteed sources of power generation?

On this topic, an expert on alternative energy, Ph.D. Rumyantsev L.K. had a talk with the President of Neutrino Energy Group Mr. Holger Thorsten Schubart.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, President, Neutrino Energy Group
Holger Thorsten Schubart, President, Neutrino Energy Group

Mr. Schubart, are solar and wind generation, as well as alternative energy in principle, capable of displacing fossil fuel-based power generation?

Schubart. The main disadvantage of these types of power generation is the instability of generation and, as a result, the difficulty of balancing the power supply system and maintaining the frequency, especially during peak load hours. In the absence of energy storage systems, which are now very expensive to manufacture, it is always necessary to have a fast-acting compensation capacity, and this is only possible when burning fossil fuels or using hydro generation. This means that in the economic calculations of the mass construction of wind turbines and solar power plants, it is necessary to take into account the costs of building and maintaining compensation capacities in the hot start mode, primarily gas. It is also unlikely that energy storage systems will be so cheap that they will be able to compete with electricity prices of traditional energy, because. Not every country has enough water resources to accommodate compensating hydroelectric power plants, maybe in Norway, Finland, Sweden. Now, even without energy storage systems, the tariff for energy from solar energy and wind generation exceeds the price of gas-fired power generation and nuclear plants, although equipment prices are falling, especially solar panels. Currently, electricity from different sources is supplied to the common system and sold to consumers at a single price, so it turns out that traditional energy compensates for the "green tariff". With an increase in the share of green energy in the overall balance and a decrease in the share of traditional energy, electricity prices for consumers will inevitably increase, and this is an additional financial burden for the population and a decrease in the competitiveness of enterprises.

But in the context of the current geopolitical crisis between Russia and Western countries, fossil fuel prices have increased many times over. Does it mean that now the use of wind generation and solar energy is more economically feasible than gas generation?

Schubart. The transition to alternative energy is associated not only with economic feasibility, but also with global warming. The sizzling heat alternates with tropical downpours and hurricanes, which have not bypassed Russia either. Huge territories of Siberia and the Far East are in forest fires, the south of Russia is flooded by rains that led to human casualties. In Russia, it is widely believed that the refusal of fossil fuels in "Western" countries is connected with geopolitics and the desire to harm Russia. This is true and at the same time not true, global warming will lead to such dire consequences that vast territories of the Earth will be unsuitable for human habitation, which, in turn, will cause the movement of masses of refugees and hunger, and hence wars for water and food sources. . The consequences of global warming are also extremely dangerous for Russia, since vast territories are located in the permafrost zone, the thawing of which will lead to large-scale destruction of infrastructure and buildings. This is very dangerous and should not be underestimated. Although, of course, in the conditions of abnormally high gas prices, the economic efficiency of wind and solar energy increases significantly, but I think that the crisis will not last forever and gas prices will fall.

The Neutrino Energy Group, of which you are the president, proposes a path for the development of electricity supply, which is not to increase the amount of centrally generated electricity, but rather to reduce it. Can you explain this paradox for readers?

Schubart. This is not really a paradox. The scientists of our company have developed the latest nanomaterial that is capable of converting the kinetic energy of particles of various invisible spectrum radiation, including neutrinos, into electricity. Based on this truly innovative invention, Neutrinovoltaic power generation technology was created, which allows you to create autonomous power sources for each individual electrical appliance, gadget, home appliance, or makes it possible to create a common power source for a separate house and provide charging for an electric car. Electricity consumption peaks, as a rule, in the morning and evening hours, when people are going to work or returning from it. These peaks are due to the connection of various electrical appliances. Imagine what the magnitude of the peak in electricity consumption will be with a massive transition to electric vehicles. After all, mostly drivers will put the cars on recharging when they return from work. And this will be a colossal load on the energy system, the consumption peaks of which will be covered, first of all, by burning fossil fuels. Therefore, we are talking about the need to reduce the generation of electricity by centralized power supply while increasing the generation of electricity by individual energy sources, such as Neutrino Power Cubes.

Now imagine that not only electric vehicle manufacturers, but households in the mass have installed Neutrinovoltaic current sources. The result will be not only the absence of peaks in electricity consumption, but also a decrease in the overall need for centralized power supply.

If we are talking about developed countries, including Russia, then all houses are already connected to a centralized power supply. What, in your opinion, will force people to abandon the centralized power supply system that has been set up for decades and switch to electricity from Neutrinovoltaic power sources?

Schubart. First of all, everything will depend on the price of electricity. The 5 kWh Neutrino Power Cube will retail in the EU in the region of 10,000 euros, but you must take into account the inflation rate at the time of sale, because. inflation is currently significant in the EU. Therefore, the acquisition of Neutrino Power Cube will pay off in 1-3 years, which is a good investment. In addition, many new houses are being built located far from the centralized power supply lines, for example, in mountainous areas where it is very expensive to conduct centralized electricity. We do not rule out that there will be enterprises that will install industrial Neutrinovoltaic power sources to supply electricity to individual remote villages or groups of houses. You can power autonomous space heaters in winter or for air conditioning in hot weather. The excess electricity generated can be fed into batteries or sold into the system, in the EU you are required by law to buy the excess electricity supplied to the public grid. This is already being applied when installing solar panels on rooftops. We are currently working with our Indian partner C-MET to create a Pi electric vehicle with Neutrinovoltaic power sources built into its body, which promises to revolutionize the transport sector, it will be a completely autonomous electric vehicle that does not require charging from charging stations.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the technology offered by our Neutrinovoltaic company has great prospects and will find the widest application in the near future. And we welcome the desire of our Russian partners to organize closed-cycle production in Russia with 100% localization of Neutrino Power Cubes and Neutrinovoltaic power sources of various types.

The time has come to implement breakthrough technologies in the energy sector, and we are glad that we have reliable partners and friends around the world, and we especially count on our Russian friends and partners who are in our ranks.


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