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The world is looking for new technologies of power generation against the backdrop of the global cri

The transition to alternative energy sources is a strategic task not only because of global warming: although large areas of the Earth are now uninhabitable, and these territories are increasing year by year, but, first of all, as a tool in the struggle of all states for independence from fossil fuels.

The global crisis in Ukraine is leading European countries to frantically seek ways to reduce their dependence on Russian natural gas, thereby reinforcing the upward trend in demand for renewable energy. The vast majority of the population associates with the term "renewable energy sources", as a rule, solar energy, wind generation and hydropower, each of which has critical drawbacks that limit their widespread use. Of no small importance is the process of inflation, as a result of which the cost of materials has increased, as well as the break in the logistics chains in their delivery. It can be confidently asserted that if it were technologically possible to replace fossil fuel-based power generation with alternative energy, then developed countries would have done this long ago, regardless of any financial costs, since politics currently prevails over economic feasibility.

The conclusions drawn from the current economic situation in the world, primarily in the field of energy, are drawn by countries that remain neutral with respect to Russia, but nevertheless project the current situation onto themselves. This is especially true for those countries that want to be independent and exclude economic influence from outside.

Thus, the Government of India has shown a keen interest in one of the most innovative technologies to date in the field of power generation, developed by the international research holding Neutrino Energy Group. With the political and financial support of the Government of India, one of the world leaders in the field of modern metamaterials, C-MET, Pune (India) became a strategic partner of Neutrino Energy Group with the aim of deepening research activities, further development and practical implementation of Neutrinovoltaic technology - a method of generating electricity under the influence of flow neutrinos and other fields of radiation of the invisible spectrum.

As part of the concluded contracts, work is underway to create a Pi-electric vehicle body that is able to "collect" energy from the surrounding space. The Pi-electric car does not need to charge the battery from a centralized power supply, which dramatically facilitates the process of humanity moving away from fossil fuels, the reserves of which on Earth are extremely limited. Already the first results achieved in the work are effective and promising, which was emphasized by C-MET scientists and representatives of the Neutrino Energy Group delegation at a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, held in March 2022.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of Neutrino Energy Group and Dr. Vijay Pandurang Bhatkar, Chancellor of Nalanda University of India
Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of Neutrino Energy Group and Dr. Vijay Pandurang Bhatkar, Chancellor of Nalanda University of India

The creation of a Pi-electric vehicle, of course, is not a one-day decision, but a process that takes years, as it requires, first of all, large-scale development work, for which both capacities in India and in Germany will be involved, where Neutrino Energy Group develops its own production facilities.

It should be noted that the creation of a Pi-electric vehicle is a strategic task for the implementation of Neutrinovoltaic technology, which solves a global problem.

The principles of operation of the technology itself - the "collection" of electricity from the surrounding space have already been put into practice by the Neutrino Energy Group together with Swiss partners. Based on Neutrinovoltaic technology, a Neutrino Power Cube power source with a capacity of 7 kWh has been created, currently developed for power supply to households, consisting of 7 power generating modules that generate a gross power of 7 kWh, however, up to 2 kWh of generated power goes to own needs, because The Neutrino Power Cube has several outputs with different power ratings for both DC and AC 220V and 380V, resulting in power loss when the generated energy is converted by the electronics. The plant in Switzerland plans to begin commercial production of Neutrino Power Cubes in 2022-2023.

The "collection" of energy from the surrounding space became possible as a result of the creation by scientists of the Neutrino Energy Group company of a multilayer nanomaterial based on alternating layers of graphene and silicon with the addition of alloying elements. The impact of neutrinos and other particles of surrounding radiation fields, which have mass, and hence energy, as well as temperature, which affects the magnitude of the Brownian motion of graphene atoms, lead to the appearance of a resonance of atomic vibrations of graphene atoms, which greatly increases the direct electric current generated by such a nanomaterial, which is then converted electronic control system Neutrino Power Cube into electricity with specified parameters.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of the Neutrino Energy Group Holding, highly appreciates the prospects for introducing innovative technology, - “The concluded pre-sale agreements for Neutrino Power Cubes allow us to load the production facilities under construction in the EU for at least 10 years, because the constant increase in electricity prices will pay back the acquisition of Neutrino Power Cubes in 1-2 years. There is no doubt that the market for Pi-electric vehicles is almost limitless. Neutrino Energy Group's cooperation with Russia and our reliable Russian friends and partners, despite the political crisis, continues and deepens.”

The development strategy of the Neutrino Energy Group regarding the organization of production in Russia of Neutrino Power Cubes has not changed, since science is above politics. Holger Thorsten Schubart considers joint work on the introduction of technology in Russia, which has highly qualified scientists and specialists, as a bridge for mutual understanding between peoples and solving global problems facing humanity.


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