What will give light and warm us - hydrogen or Neutrino Power Cube?
In theory, the duty of government and officials of all ranks in any country is to serve their people and improve the standard of living of their constituents as much as possible.But this is only in theory, and in practice, promises often diverge from deeds in exactly the opposite directions.The current situation with energy prices in Europe, which determine the standard of living of the population and the development of its own industry, cannot be described as rational.Moreover, all this was done deliberately in order to punish Russia and refuse to purchase hydrocarbons from Russia.
The idea itself to abandon the burning of hydrocarbons and stop the rapid increase in the average annual temperature on Earth can only be welcomed, but this requires proven technologies.The replacement of hydrocarbons with “green” hydrogen, the strategy for obtaining which European politicians constantly talk about, is more than controversial.
Hydrogen in its pure form, suitable for industrial production, does not exist in nature.When it comes to "green" hydrogen, it means that hydrogen is obtained by decomposing water into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis of water, i.e.to obtain "green" hydrogen, you need to spend more electricity than you will then get when using it.

At the moment, there is a strong belief that politicians, who, as a rule, do not have a special technical education, are unlikely to understand what hydrogen is, the manufacturability of its production, transportation, storage and use.However, the European Commission has already established that by 2030 the EU countries should produce annually 10 million tons of "green hydrogen" and import 10 million tons.The REPowerEU plan, approved by the European Union in 2022, provides for the attraction of 400 billion euros to implement the Hydrogen Plan.The hydrogen strategy in Germany and Japan is at the center of plans to decarbonize the economy.
But politicians who actively promote hydrogen as a replacement for hydrocarbons need to get more in-depth information from experts on the technical possibilities and price points of using hydrogen.Among the most problematic topics in the article dated 12/22/22, published by the editors of https://eadaily.com, with reference to the opinion of Michael Liebreich, the following are noted:
Hydrogen has 38% of the volumetric energy density of liquefied gas;6 times boil-off, and hydrogen must be transported at -253 degrees Celsius;
Transportation costs are 2-3 times higher than the cost of production;30% of fuel energy is lost when hydrogen is liquefied;
A vessel comparable in volume to an LNG carrier would have to make 2.5 voyages to its destination in order to transport hydrogen with the same amount of energy as LNG;
A liquid hydrogen carrier vessel will inevitably cost more than an LNG tanker, and all metal in contact with hydrogen must not be subject to hydrogen embrittlement, i.e.LNG receiving terminals under construction will not be able to receive hydrogen.
Transporting liquid hydrogen would cost four to six times more than LNG.
In other words, the author came to the conclusion that it is impossible to use imported liquid hydrogen due to physics: bulk density, liquefaction temperature and interaction with other materials.
Despite the opinion of many scientists, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz agreed with his Canadian counterpart to start importing hydrogen from 2025, and the country's Economy Minister Robert Habeck is negotiating projects in African countries.The EU supports almost any possibility of using hydrogen, regardless of its prospects, and the European Commission distributes grants for the development of new technologies for the production of "green hydrogen" and its use.
Such enthusiasm and huge funds provided for hydrogen energy projects suggest that politicians have seen the limit in the development of solar energy and wind generation and are frantically looking for an alternative.However, ill-conceived and hasty decisions, as a rule, end in fiasco, unless the main task is behind this - the development of the budget.
Meanwhile, in Germany, the science and technology company Neutrino Deutschland GmbH, which is one of the largest companies in the Neutrino Energy Group, has developed Neutrinovoltaic power generation technology that allows you to create fuel-free generators of "free" energy.The basis of the invention is a multilayer nanomaterial of alternating layers of graphene and silicon, which are applied to a metal foil from one side.The coated side of the foil becomes positive and the reverse side of the foil becomes negative.According to the president of the Neutrino Energy Group, mathematician Holger Schubart, "our technology allows you to create power sources of any capacity, but the development strategy of Neutrinovoltaic power generation is aimed primarily at refusing to build or use centralized power supply networks."
Holger Schubart defines the innovative development of the energy of the future as the rejection of centralized power supply and the creation of distributed power generation, when power generation facilities are located directly at the place of electricity consumption, for example, in residential premises, individual buildings.Neutrino Power Cubes fuelless generators are the best fit for this development strategy.

The industrial production of Neutrinovoltaic power sources, developed by the scientific and technological company Neutrino Energy Group, is in the final stage.Already at the end of 2023 - beginning of 2024, the licensed production of fuel-free generators (FTG) of "free energy" Neutrino Power Cubes with a net power of 5-6 kW will start in Switzerland.
Electricity consumption per inhabitant of Switzerland per year now averages 10,000 kWh, i.e.power of 5-6 kW is enough for a family of 4 people.With a shortage of power, associated, for example, with the desire to install electric heating at home, you can purchase a fuel-free generator with a capacity of 10-12 kW.
FFG Neutrino Power Cube with a net power of 5-6 kW will be produced in the form of an electrical panel (cabinet), which will conditionally be divided into 2 blocks: an electric generating unit, where the electric generating modules are located, and a control system unit.To increase the generated power up to 10-12 kW, two generating units can be installed.Neutrino Deutschland GmbH has published for the first time a video of the FFG Neutrino Power Cubes with a net power of 5-6 kW and a photo of the appearance of the generators of the first test series.
Independence from weather conditions, no need to connect energy storage systems, stable power generation day and night, compact size, no rotating parts and extraneous noise during operation, zero emissions of harmful substances and greenhouse gases allow us to attribute the discovery made by Holger Schubart and a group of scientists from the Neutrino Energy holdingGroup, to one of the most breakthrough technologies of the 21st century.
I have been studying water as a possible power source for several years, while almost all assume that the extraction of hydrogen is the key to developing a workable alternative energy for humanity, I would argue that water can be employed as a source of free energy and I am not the only one who knows this.