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Fuel-free power generation technologies enter the energy market

Oil and gas companies periodically publish information on the volume of proven oil and gas reserves. For example, Gazprom has just announced that it has gas reserves for 100 years. On the one hand, this is a serious figure, but on the other, it is a short period in the history of civilization on Earth, so it is already necessary to think about a world without burning hydrocarbon raw materials.

Many countries are actively developing nuclear energy, but uranium ore reserves are also finite, although nuclear scientists have already created combined nuclear fuel. Hydrogen energy and hydrogen transport exist today more as an idea than as a practical solution, since it requires solving many technological problems and large investments in production and infrastructure. In addition, climatologists and ecologists do not say that water vapor is one of the main greenhouse gases and its contribution to global warming is no less dangerous than carbon dioxide. The product of hydrogen combustion is water vapor and water, the release of which inevitably causes an increase in the concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere. The path of sustainable development of earthly civilization is certainly associated with fuel-free technologies in the field of energy generation and electric transport. Many prototypes of fuel-free generators have already been created, operating on various principles, although 95% are schemes of various magnetic fuel-free generators operating on the same principle. It is necessary to be objective and admit that up to now the development of fuel-free generation has not gone into industrial series, but in the end quantity always turns into quality, since this topic is very relevant today. Very often in the comments to articles about the emergence of this or that development, readers indicate that it would have been “snatched up” long ago if it were true and the technology worked. This is the reasoning of idealists who do not understand that the introduction of fuel-free electricity generation is critically dangerous for the existing energy system, starting from the production of various equipment, extraction, transportation, electricity generating companies and companies working in the field of energy distribution. And this is tens of millions of jobs, so the heads of such enterprises will do everything to ensure that competitive fuel-free technologies become “stillborn”. This is why cases of the introduction of this or that fuel-free generation technology are isolated. The only chance to enter the energy market is to create low-power fuel-free generators intended for individuals, and the stable operation of generators for several years and the prospect of economic benefits from the use of technology will attract the attention of enterprise managers, which will gradually allow entering the industrial power supply market.

But a private buyer is a very picky buyer, he will not buy a fuel-free generator that requires constant maintenance, repair and creates noise. This is why magnetic generators with rotating rotors or parts have no chance of entering the retail market. An indispensable condition for finding a permanent retail consumer is compliance with the principle of "plug and forget".

Of the known technologies of fuel-free electricity generation, perhaps only Neutrinovoltaic complies with this principle. But it would be very strange if there were no opponents of this development, who are trying to prove, and with the involvement of scientists, that neutrinos have super-penetrating ability, "stitch" the Earth without encountering resistance and use the argument that huge detectors are being built to record neutrinos, and therefore it is impossible to convert the kinetic energy of neutral neutrino particles into electric current. I will not cite all the arguments of the opponents of the technology, but I have a strong suspicion that they have superficially and inattentively familiarized themselves with the materials published by the Neutrino Energy Group company.

It is deeply mistaken to believe that the mechanism that allows converting the energy of neutrinos, which have mass, is to completely take the energy of neutrinos crossing the surface of the power-generating plates, which is kinetic energy, i.e. actually stop the neutrino, making their speed zero.

The mechanism of energy generation according to Neutrinovoltaic technology is the oscillations of graphene atoms, which lead to the emergence of a "graphene" wave. The greater the amplitude and frequency of oscillations of graphene atoms, the stronger the power generated by the power-generating element. The "graphene" wave is visible under a microscope with high resolution, this is a fact that cannot be disputed.

Simplified scheme of coherent elastic scattering of neutrinos on heavy nuclei. D.Yu. Akimov, PhD (MEPhI employee)/ Science
Simplified scheme of coherent elastic scattering of neutrinos on heavy nuclei. D.Yu. Akimov, PhD (MEPhI employee)/ Science

What influences the amplitude and frequency of graphene atom oscillations? First of all, in my opinion, it is the thermal (Brownian) motion of graphene atoms, as well as neutrinos, which have mass, which hit the nuclei of graphene atoms, amplifying the oscillations arising from thermal motion. These two factors are preserved at any point on Earth, but oscillations can be amplified near power lines, near antineutrino sources, for example, near nuclear power plant units, etc. The size of graphene atomic nuclei is very small compared to the size of a graphene atom, so the probability of a collision of neutrinos, which have mass, with a graphene atom nucleus is a fraction of a percent of the total neutrino flux, which is 60 billion particles per second through 1 cm2 of the earth's surface. The impact of super-light neutrino particles on a graphene atom nucleus can either completely stop the neutrino if they are low-energy, or simply cause a neutrino rebound or a change in its trajectory if the impact occurred tangentially to the graphene atom nucleus. The fact that such interaction takes place was confirmed in the works of the COHERENT collaboration at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA). The authors, among whom were scientists from four countries, including Russia (ITEP named after A.I. Alikhanov (NC "Kurchatov Institute"), MEPhI University and MIPT), studied the interaction of low-energy neutrinos with argon nuclei and came to the conclusion that coherent elastic neutrino-nuclear scattering (CEvNS) takes place. Argon has the atomic number 18 in the periodic table of chemical elements and an atomic weight of 39.948, while graphene (carbon) has the atomic number 6 and an atomic weight of 12.011. This suggests that the effect of neutrino impacts on the nuclei of graphene atoms will be expressed more strongly than on argon nuclei.

It is these studies that give grounds for scientists at Neutrino Energy Group to note the special role of neutrinos in the process of generating electricity and to call the developed technology Neutrinovoltaic. Today, it is impossible to determine the contribution of neutrinos in comparison with the influence of thermal motion on the amplitude and magnitude of oscillations of graphene atoms, but the fact that such a mechanism exists and is very important is beyond any doubt.

Holger Thorsten Schubart, President of Neutrino Energy Group, has repeatedly emphasized in his speeches that the name, which includes the designation of "neutrino" particles and which gave the basis for the name of the Neutrinovoltaic technology, serves more to form a brand than to reflect the essence of the technology itself.

You can get acquainted with the mechanism of energy generation using Neutrinovoltaic technology in previously published articles, links to which are posted on the website of Neutrino Deutschland GmbH.

Author: Rumiantcev L.K., Ph.D.


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